The Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal today visited Saffron areas of Pampore and took stock of the crop scenario amid recent wet spell.
During the visit, the Director inspected different fields and took feedback from the concerned Saffron growers regarding the positive impact of recent rainfall on the saffron crop.
While having an exchange of thoughts with the farmers, the Director underlined the efforts by the department for strengthening of irrigation facilities in the Saffron areas of Pampore. He said the recent spell of rain is a blessing from almighty for the saffron crop.
The Director said that the department has already ensured that the functional bore wells in the area are put to the service of Saffron farmers but the wet spell has complemented the overall efforts by the department in this direction.
He said that the department is working for area expansion under saffron crop and different stakeholders including farmers, Kisan advisory board are on board in this endeavour. He said that the department has identified 350 saffron farmers (nurseries) for saffron corn multiplication so that the seed could be provided to more and more farmers and the crop could be introduced in newer areas.
Director Agriculture assured the saffron farmers of all the possible technical support. He directed the concerned officers to work in close coordination with farmers and guide them during all the pre and post harvesting operations.
Earlier, the Director participated in some agriculture activities including sowing operations in the fields of some farmers.
Later, the Director visited a honey processing plant at Tral (Pulwama) and discussed different operational proceedings with the concerned unit holder. He asked the unit holder to aware the local educated youth regarding the benefits of honey processing so that they could also establish such units and earn the income and livelihood for themselves and their families.