Srinagar, Dec 10: In the interest of patient care and skill up-gradation of the District Mental Health Program (DHMP), Addiction Treatment Facility (ATF) and Counselling staff of other schemes, One Day Capacity Building Program on the Identification of Mental Health and Psychological Issues among children and adolescents was organized on Saturday by Child Guidance and Well Being Center (under MHPSS of UNICEF) in collaboration with Directorate of Health Services Kashmir at Department of Child Psychiatry.
Four technical sessions were held during the program. The first technical session was conducted by Syed Mujtaba Coordinator who deliberated upon ‘Reimagining Mental health EcoSystem.’
Consultant IMHANS, Dr Abrar briefed the trainees about the Child Mental Health with Emotional and Behavioral Problems.
Clinical psychologist, Dr Bilal talked about ‘Understanding and Prevention of Internalizing Disorders in Adolescents.’
Program coordinators, Adil Fayaz and Jagmeet Singh made the trainees aware of the ‘Suicide and Adolescents: Risk Factors and ‘Developmental Disabilities’ respectively.
Around 100 trainees from various districts participated in the program.
Dr Zaid Wani, CGWC head while lauding the program said that such programs help us in delivering our services in the best manner. “Since the establishment of CGWC, IMHANS, we have had multiple such programs with DMHP on various mental Health and Psychosocial Issues,” Wani said.
Dr Majid Shafi, Consultant Psychiatry and Nodal Officer for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment at the Directorate of Health Services Kashmir said that such training helps in the upgradation of skills of counsellors and helps in having a proper referral system. He further said that such training will help in better patient care services, developing IEC materials and capacity-building programs as mandated under DMHP.