Srinagar, Nov 03: CGWC IMHANS-K observed International Day of Persons with Disability awareness programme at Child Guidance and Wellbeing Centre.
Around 40 parents and caregivers participated in the programme who were sensitized and briefed about the disabilities among the children.
While commemorating the day, CGWC Incharge Dr Zaid Wani reaffirmed all the pysco-social, mental health support to the children with special needs at the centre. “We observe this day to make sure that we will be their support, guide and a hand to hold on whenever they need it,” Wani said.
Clinical psychologist Dr Bilal Ah sensitized caregivers about the different psychological issues and disabilities in children and its impact on children and care givers. He talked about the need of awareness accessibility and empathy of all invisible disabilities. “All disabilities are not visible,” he said.
Psychiatric social worker, Touseef Rashid psycho-educated them about the various schemes and provisions for persons with disabilities among children in JK.
“These disable children should not be treated as liabilities by the families or caregivers rather should be facilitated in sync with the govt sponsored schemes to utilise their full potential,” Rashid said.
Coordinator CGWC, Syed Mujtaba talked about aiding such children in legal settings. He elaborated how RPWD Act 2016 ensures the inclusive education, the recognition of various mental disabilities among children, need to provide health care measures and rehabilitation measures.
Chotay Taray Foundation commemorates International Day of Disabilities
ChotayTaray Foundation commemorates the International Day of Disabilities on Saturday, the organization also marks its 22 years of services for the Children with Disabilities in Jammu and Kashmir.
On the day the whole staff of the organization and children of the organization performed various activities like, Group Singing, Group Dancing and Role Play titled “Story of Single Mother of children with Disability”. With an emotional connect the role play showcased the challenges and struggles of Mother whose child is been diagnosed with Physical as well as Intellectual Disability.
ArjumandMakhdoomi, Founder President ChotayTaray Foundation in his message focussed on the Campaigning for a more Inclusive Society and accepting people of all abilities makes a way forward”.
He also shared the evolution and genesis of the ChotayTaray Foundation, which is among the foremost organization to working for Children with Disabilities. As, of today the Foundation is among one of the prestigious organizations and still working with zeal to serve Children with Multiple Disabilities and shall continue to make this difference.
Children enjoyed the event their acceptance, belonging and celebration makes this celebration more enriching and Inclusive. The event was graced by Media personals and District Child Protection Unit, Srinagar Officials.