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From Kashmir to Delhi, Zahid Shafi grooms football talent
From early childhood Zahid Shafi Mir, 28, cherished football. His dream was…
Eco-conscious social media influencer,Mir Bilalinspirespeople to makeenvirons pollution free
A social media influencer from Baramulla district of north Kashmir is seen…
Tehleel Manzoor on mission to aware people about cyber security
A young boy from Kashmir who is on a mission to raise…
Aainball : A new sporting attraction
Aainball, a 13 year old game, is becoming a new sporting attraction…
Abdul Basit: An engineer with creative temper
Abdul Basit had always been fascinated by art and photography. Instead, he…
Imran Khan making inroads into fashion industry
20-year-old Imran Khan from Kashmir is making inroads into the fashion industry…
Shamshad Khan’s rendezvous with clay at Tawaf studio
Contrary to the fast digital world, the pace slows down in the…
Cinema lovers of Kashmir
Insha Latief Khan & Shafat Malik When the song, Kashmir ki…
Summary of movie Babli Bouncer
In the movie Babli Bouncer, the protagonistBabli Tanwar played by Tamannah Bhatia…
Nagmarg: Bandipora’s celestial picturesque destination
Lush green meadows, beautiful pastures, emerald green forests and mist-clad mountains are…