Voluntary blood Donation is the deemed act of truism, faithfulness and an act of benevolence and most importantly the highest level of generosity. As the world’s order is getting disturbed and paralyzed due to many health challenges, it needs high time consciousness and rightful measures should be taken to console and regain what has been lost and what could be achieved largely. The requirement of blood has increased manifold due to the increase in the number of chronic diseases. What we need is to make people aware about the importance of blood donation by involving healthcare professionals, concerned officials and Government agencies who will support the blood donation campaigns with the help of volunteers at grassroots level.
The seminars, advertising services, TV, Print media and social media can play a vital role to make voluntary blood donation successful. It is only possible if we thrive a visionary support throughout and publicly its benefits should be entertained. The administration can bring an impactful lead in creating new scenes by involving volunteers in different campaigns and honoring them on the bigger occasions so that others will get a kind of motivation and feel and importance of the noble cause.
In the Post covid-19 pandemic, the scenario and the demand of blood has made tense environment globally and has put all the activists, healthcare professionals working worldwide to meet the requirement. The situation of higher blood demand is never allowing them to feel comfortable. The blood platelets demand increases due to surge in the number of cancer cases and other chronic diseases. The shortage of blood hospitals are facing post pandemic is an eye opener and adequate measures should be taken to tackle with the situation. Many countries worldwide are facing the challenges and not getting the enough donors and proper quantity of safe blood. What is actually important is to have the reasonable strategic analysis to deal with the blood Requirement.
Road Map
Organizing Blood camps on occasions, creating more live donors who will get in touch with the attendants, blood donation activists and hospital working officials whenever demand arises. With the help of live Donors the blood in the blood bank gets extra shelf life and can be used in emergency times. Every year hundreds and thousands of patients die due to immense shortage of blood. Only focusing on recruiting more donors, involving people with the cause, increasing awareness about the blood donation, systematically engaging donors to become the repeat donors can help greatly. Educating people about the real worth, mandatory involvement of different organizations, NGO’S, so that faith can be build in the blood donation activities.
There are several advantages which a blood donor can get after donating blood.
- Blood donation will make healthy heart.
- Supports in boosting the production of RBC’s
- Weight gets reduced.
- By timely checkups before donating blood, involvement of serious illnesses automatically minimizes.
- Psychologically you will feel relaxed.
- Anxiety and depression makes the way out.
- Adequate amount of sleep.
- Cholesterol level will get decreased.
- Blood will get automatically replenished.
- Chances of stroke will get minimized.
- Newly blood cells are produced as body starts to replace the blood it has lost.
How to tackle Fear
The need of the hour is to aware and educate people about the doubts and fears in donating blood. This is actually the most important part as most of the people are ill informed about the blood donation. Multiple steps need to be taken to ensure the safety of blood donors. Starting from pre-donation, Hemoglobin checkup, weight, blood pressure assessment and followed by pre-donation counseling by a trained medical personnel. Even after the donation of blood the Donors are requested for mandatory rest. The refreshments are also provided to the donors which means blood donor is respected and safe guarded exclusively.
Who can donate Blood
- Anyone who is 18 years old with the parental consent. And one can donate blood safely upto the age of 65 years.
- Weight should be around 110 pounds.
- A donor should not be pregnant and newly parents should wait for six weeks after giving birth.
- Not having any condition causing excessive bleeding.
- Blood pressure should be in normal range.
- Person not having any history of blood disorder can donate blood.
- Donor should be healthy and should be free from Hypertension, Diabetes, Fatigue and weight Loss.
- Hemoglobin should be more than 12.5 gram/dl
One unit of blood can save upto 3 lives. It is the blood donor who saves the patients from the life threatening conditions such as accidents, cancer and can transfuse blood for the patients supposed to undergo surgeries. Remember there is no substitute for blood therefore we are largely dependent on blood donors, activists to help medical fraternity to provide life lines to the needy patients.
I express my sincerest gratitude to all the voluntary blood donors, blood donation activists throughout the globe who are tirelessly working and helping the patients and the noble cause. All of your unwavering commitment to save the Humanity and Human lives is extraordinary without any question mark. Your selfless and progressive approach has touched the hearts of many and more to come.
Donate Blood Save Humanity; Donate Blood save lives
(Author is the Blood Donation Activist and can be reached at [email protected])