A Country’s identity is branded into the psyche of its people and the world at large primarily owing to its economic might backed equally by a strong and capable armed forces which are an extension cum assertion of its power projection in the comity of nations. The economic giant of a nation could turn pygmy when divested from its military might, since it is the later that affords a plank to the former for jumpstarting new vistas of development. India is no exception to this thumb rule that applies uniformly to its physical dimensions spread in all cardinal directions. The country of India’s size that is a tad less than being qualified as a continent, but naturally calls for securing its frontiers by equally capable armed forces.
The Indian state as such has a rich and varied military history steeped into its very sinews that dates back to its mythological treatises viz the Mahabharata and Ramayana and numerous other such masterpieces of human endurance and equanimity. The dominant religion of this sub-continent i.e Hinduism has been the progenitor as well as safe-keeper of this area’s military ethos that is visible even to this day and date in the present day Indian army, despite its constituents being drawn from all the country with an equal number of diversities injected into its foundation.
The present day Indian army has been a pale shadow of its former ‘Royal Indian army’ that was led as well as officered by majority of British army officers with a sprinkling of native army officers till India attained independence from its colonial masters in 1947. The ‘Army day’ in the Indian context draws its legacy from shedding its colonial past when on 15th January 1949 it embraced total Indian colour and tenor by way of General( later Field Marshal) K.M.Cariappa taking over as the first Indian chief of army staff ,replacing British General Sir Francis Roy Bucher . This historic event symbolized the Indian army’s transition from British command to Indian leadership thus marking a new era of self-governance and national pride.
In recognition of this momentous occasion, the Indian government declared 15 January as Indian army day. Since then, this day has been observed with great reverence and enthusiasm across the length and breadth of the nation as a mark of a grateful nation to its army for unwavering commitment and safeguarding its national frontiers. Since the time Modi government has come to power, the lasting impression that one gets is shunting out of major events out of NCR/Delhi to the hinterland of the country as part of ‘Minimum government & maximum governance’ as also to instill a sense of inclusiveness for the country as a whole.
Keeping the above ethos into consideration ,this year’s annual ‘Army day parade -2024 is all slated to bugle up at one of India’s historic cum iconic city ,that has its genesis steeped into unparalleled gentlemanliness which was once the ‘Sine quo non ‘ of ‘Awadh’ royalty. You have guessed it right –‘Lucknow’. The country’s army central command shall this time carry the baton of celebrations for the event which was handed over to them from Bangalore last year. As part of the major events of the day ,the army day parade will be conducted under the aegis of 11 GRC (Gorkha rifles regimental center) with ‘ShauryaSandhya’ –a military display on 15th January afternoon at around 3.30 pm at Surya khelparisar-Iand military band at 6.30 pm on January 14 at BabasahebAmbedkarsmark park ,Gomtinagar.
The army’s initiative to conduct events of seminal importance is to give equal chance to all the 06 operational commands under its overall jurisdiction as also to increase its physical visibility from that of Television’s to the public at large. Similarly the last year’s Navy day was celebrated at the iconic ‘Sindhudurg fort’ situated off the coast of Maharashtra and constructed by the 17th century Maratha ruler Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. In the similar vein the 91st ‘Air force day’ was conducted last year on 08th October 2023 at Paryagraj in UP instead of at the traditional ‘Hindon’ air force base near Delhi that was home to such air force day celebrations till 2021 .
The parade will see some of the most notable regiments marching contingents of the Indian army ,namely Garhwal rifles, Jat regiment, Sikh light infantry,Bengal engineers ,Army air defence ,paratroopers and the like. Additionally gallantry awardees of the army will be honoured during this event. Along with the above, the 76th Army day parade will have a smart aerial display by the Indian air force too showcasing to the public a perfect symphony of sorts with its army counterpart. Central India in general and UP In particular has a great military tradition and heritage of valour and indomitable spirit. It is a land that can boast of many innovations like ‘Farsa’ and ‘Stirrups’ that took its birth over here.
It is the land of Raja Suhaldev who defeated Ghaznavid forces led by Salar Masud in the famous battle of Baharich, Nagas who defeated Ahmed shah Abdali in the battle of Gokul and Begum Hazart Mahal from Lucknow who led the rebellion against the British in the first war of independence of India. The city has also become synonymous with recent defence sector expositions with the first DEF-EXPO in 2020 being held over here. Events like DEF-EXPO were otherwise the sole domain of NCR-DELHI in the past. This I can say with a little bit of personal hindsight experience when in the year 2008 I had gone as a LO (Liaison officer) with the Kazakhstan military delegation at Pragati maidan in New Delhi and seen the way our governments pitch themselves as a centerof excellence for defense production.
Be that as it may, I am of the firm conviction that events of such national importance should be the domain of the entire country rather than the exclusive hold to be maintained by the capital of the country. The masses in the country may not be in a position to spend that much amount of money to travel physically and be at the appointed time and date to partake in such events whole heartedly. Modi government has that sagacity to take stead in such events to the door steps of our countrymen as part of its oft repeated governance philosophy —Maximum governance, minimum government. This army day of 2024 is a perfect example of walking the talk of the above maxim in its true sense.
(The writer is a retired army officer and can be approached on his email: slalotra47292gamil.com)