Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Amit Shah, lauded the contributions of Rani Didda, also known as “The Catherine of Kashmir,” during his address in the Lok Sabha concerning the discussion on the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam.
In his speech, Union Home Minister Shah acknowledged the significant role played by women in Indian politics throughout history. He mentioned notable figures such as Kashmir’s 10th-century ruler Rani Didda, Ghatavanas’s Rudra Ma, Rani Durgawati, Rani Gijawo (Mother of Shivaji), Rani Jinama, Maharani Abaka, and Maharani Laxmi Bhai, all of whom have left an indelible mark on India’s historical landscape.
Rani Didda, who reigned over Kashmir from 980 CE to 1003 CE, served as a regent for her son and various grandsons from 958 CE to 980 CE before assuming sole rulership. Much of our knowledge about her comes from the Rajatarangini, a twelfth-century work by Kalhana.
Minister Shah also addressed the Women’s Reservation Bill, emphasizing that it aims to empower women by ensuring their representation in all fields. He noted that some women parliamentarians had initially expressed reservations, viewing reservations as an insult, but he went on to assert that women possess inherent strength and potential.
Union Home Minister Shah underscored the importance of women in Indian culture, drawing parallels between powerful women and goddesses. He likened women to the divine forms of Durga, representing power; Saraswati, symbolizing knowledge; and Lakshmi, embodying prosperity. He stressed that these goddesses ultimately represent the essence of motherhood.
Union Home Minister Shah concluded his address by highlighting the rich history and culture of India, emphasizing the numerous references to women’s empowerment found in religious texts and ancient scriptures. He cited examples from the Vedas, where women like Gargee, Gosa, Vishambara, Shraddha, Sandiya, Devyani, Sachee, Adititi, Lopa Nudra, and others made significant contributions. He also noted Aditi’s status as the mother of Lord Indra, highlighting her expertise in all four Vedas.
In his speech, Union Home Minister Shah acknowledged the significant role played by women in Indian politics throughout history. He mentioned notable figures such as Kashmir’s 10th-century ruler Rani Didda, Ghatavanas’s Rudra Ma, Rani Durgawati, Rani Gijawo (Mother of Shivaji), Rani Jinama, Maharani Abaka, and Maharani Laxmi Bhai, all of whom have left an indelible mark on India’s historical landscape.
Rani Didda, who reigned over Kashmir from 980 CE to 1003 CE, served as a regent for her son and various grandsons from 958 CE to 980 CE before assuming sole rulership. Much of our knowledge about her comes from the Rajatarangini, a twelfth-century work by Kalhana.
Minister Shah also addressed the Women’s Reservation Bill, emphasizing that it aims to empower women by ensuring their representation in all fields. He noted that some women parliamentarians had initially expressed reservations, viewing reservations as an insult, but he went on to assert that women possess inherent strength and potential.
Union Home Minister Shah underscored the importance of women in Indian culture, drawing parallels between powerful women and goddesses. He likened women to the divine forms of Durga, representing power; Saraswati, symbolizing knowledge; and Lakshmi, embodying prosperity. He stressed that these goddesses ultimately represent the essence of motherhood.
Union Home Minister Shah concluded his address by highlighting the rich history and culture of India, emphasizing the numerous references to women’s empowerment found in religious texts and ancient scriptures. He cited examples from the Vedas, where women like Gargee, Gosa, Vishambara, Shraddha, Sandiya, Devyani, Sachee, Adititi, Lopa Nudra, and others made significant contributions. He also noted Aditi’s status as the mother of Lord Indra, highlighting her expertise in all four Vedas.