Srinagar, Feb 12: The Agro field unit Srinagar, agro unit SKUAST-K and Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued fresh advisory for multiple farming activities and suggested poultry farmers to follow a proper vaccination schedule to avoid diseases that affect the poultry.
The advisory issued said that the environmental temperature has decreased, therefore due care is required with respect to the maintenance of brooding temperature inside the sheds.
“Ventilation must not be compromised at the cost of maintaining the brooding temperature as it can lead to accumulation of ammonia gas in the sheds, wet litter and ascites in birds. The quality of litter should be given due consideration. Deworming of birds should also be done periodically,” it said.
The advisory suggested poultry farmers adhere strictly to the vaccination schedule and time is very important and farmers need to be vigilant as they do not know when diseases affect poultry.
Regarding care and maintenance of rabi crops, fodder crops and saffron, it said that adequate drainage channels in fields should be maintained to avoid water stagnation during winter.
For vegetables the joint advisory said that sowing of seeds like kale, knolkhol, cabbage, cauliflower etc. be done in well-prepared land for raising early nursery under poly houses.
“Land preparation under poly houses should be done for raising early seedlings of summer vegetables viz. tomato, brinjal, chilli, sweet pepper. Filling polybags with the mixture of garden soil, sand and vermicompost in the ratio of 1:1:1 for early raising of seedlings of cucurbits under protected conditions. Maintain drainage in all vegetable crop fields. Shift potato seed tubers from cold stores to a comparatively warmer place in order to induce sprout initiation,” it said.
For apiculture it suggested to unite weak colonies with stronger colonies. “Narrow the entrance of the colonies. Provide winter packing to the bee colonies. Provide winter feeding in the form of sugar candies if required,” it said.
Regarding sericulture, the advisory said since the second commercial silkworm rearing has ended farmers are advised to ensure complete disinfection of rearing rooms and rearing appliances.
“Complete sun drying of cocoons should be ensured before storage to avoid any fungal damage to the cocoons. Sorting of the cocoons should be ensured before marketing to fetch maximum market price. The cocoon preservation should be done in gunny bags by hanging them under tin roofs or at dry places to avoid any damage by the rodents,” it added.
For management of agroforestry, it said that weeding and hoeing operations to be done in agro-forestry systems/models.
“Forest nurseries need to be irrigated and avoid irrigation in nurseries, if rain is predicted in forecast on that day. Diseased seedlings in a nursery should be immediately isolated from the healthy ones and treated separately with the recommended fungicides. Massive outbreak of disease/insect damage must be reported to the concerned,” it said.
For fisheries, the advisory said that nutrition and disease management are important aspects of aquaculture. It is advised to store the feed for trout/carp in a well-ventilated and cool place to avoid shortage during snowfall.
“In case of mortality or signs of sickness in the fish stock, reduce the stocking density and quarantine the morbid fish. Call fish health experts when needed and follow the advisory,” it said.
Advisory asks poultry farmers to follow vaccination schedule

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