Every weather one must tailor skincare routine, in order to keep skin trouble at bay.
To overcome the dryness during winter weather one need to take extra care of the skin.
If you reside in a part of the world that experiences extreme cold weather, the frigid temperatures can wreak havoc on your skin, both on the face and body.
It gets dry, flaky and can sometimes even crack, which can be painful, itchy and get infected.
On a quest to find out how to best protect the skin we’re in, here are some skin care tips.
Application of coconut oil
If done prior to bathing can offer great moisture to get rid of external dryness and chaps.
Avoid using facial packs and masks
It can suck out the natural oil content of the skin. Facial pack containing mud should be avoided for this reason. Rather go for cleansing milk and oil based pack
In order to overcome flaking, chapping and itchy cracks caused during winter, use cotton socks & gloves to have yourself adequately covered from the pinching chill of winter.
Use gentle product
Avoid using harsh soaps and face wash which can cause dryness. Instead use a mild and gentle face wash which keeps the hydration intact. During summer you needed something with a little bit of acid in it to get off all of your sunblock, but during the winter you want to add something that is a little gentler, like foaming or hydrating cleansers.
Keep the air moisturised
With the use of heaters, the moisture level can go low and to combat the same one must use a humidifier.
Avoid hot showers and hot water bath
Bathing with hot water can strip away the natural moisture from your skin hence you must take shower with lukewarm water.
Wear your sunscreen
“While you may experience cloudier days (the kind responsible for redness and sunburn) there are still UV rays present which may damage your skin.
After every shower, make it a point to moisturise yourself thoroughly. Apply moisturizer and cleanse it properly. Keep a hand cream with you at all times.”
While many are under the misconception that sunblock is only needed during the summertime, the sun’s rays are actually closer in the winter.
Upgrade your moisturiser and repeat it more often
Use more hydrating and intense moisturisers to avoid dryness. Increase the frequency of application to add suppleness to your skin. We often go for a detailed skincare regime for our face but forget our necks and hands. All our body parts tend to get dry during winters, thus, requiring equal amount of attention. Don’t skip any area and apply moisturisers all over.Look for products containing a high concentration of hyaluronic acid, copper peptides and glycerin.’ Apply moisturisers on hands and don’t skip the nails.
Exfoliate skin less
As it can damage the skin and cause irritation. Stay away from harsh beaded exfoliants as they may introduce micro tear in the skin.
Using skin booster injection
It can actually enhance the quality of skin, limit the fine wrinkles by adding the extra moisture level to your skin.
Using hydrating mist
It can be a quick and super easy hack to go for. Cold weather leads to drop in skin hydration and suppleness.
Never over cleanse
In case, you experience intense dryness or cracking of skin you must consult a dermatologist.
Sleep well and stay hydrated
Few common skin related problems aggravated during winters are acne, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, frost bite and keratosis pilaris. However with the proper skin care and expert opinion it can be well managed.
(Author is Senior Consultant at Fortis Hospital, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi)