Srinagar, Mar 1: Regional-Cum-Facilitation Centre (RCFC) NR-II SKUAST-Kashmir in collaboration with the ETC/KVK Malangpora organised a one-day training program on the importance of medicinal plants on Wednesday.
Prof Shiekh Bilal Ahmad, Regional Director, RCFC NR-II stressed the utilisation of medicinal plants for food and nutritional security in addition to the use in AYUSH.
Prof Javeed Mugloo, PC KVK, stressed conservation in view of the rampant destruction of biodiversity in their ecosystem. Officials from the line departments like agriculture and forests also showed their presence in this mega programme.
Dr Ejaz Ahmad Parray, (Technical Officer RCFC NR-II) delivered a lecture on the Agrotechniques of Medicinal plants for commercial cultivation. Dr Ather Sidiq Zarger (Manager Marketing RCFC NR-II) delivered a lecture on marketing opportunities in this booming sector. More than 100 participants attended the programme.