District Hospital Udhampur was today granted 5 seats in DNB by National Board of Examination In Medical Sciences (NBEMS).
Assessment of the departments was conducted by different teams of Assessors in 2022 and after meeting the prescribed criteria and parameters the seats were granted in Department of Pediatrics (1 Post MBBS DNB and 1 Post Diploma), Orthopedics (1 Post MBBS DNB and 1 Post Diploma) and one in General Medicine.
All this was possible due to the guidance of Administrative Secretary Bhupinder Kumar, Director General Health Services Jammu Dr. Salim-ur-Rahman, Nodal Officer DNB Dr Jitendra Mehta and support of CMO Udhampur Dr Vijay Basnotra.
Dr Sanjay Kumar Bhat Medical Superintendent Dist. Hospital Udhampur and Dr Deep Gupta Nodal Officer DNB had worked hard in fulfilling all the Shortfalls and Criteria as per NBEMS norms.