Our society is incomplete without women. In this male dominated society women play an important role and extensively contributing for the betterment of the society. In every field women are challenging men and have overtaken them as well. Women adapt quickly and invest their time to understand the adversities in life and try to find solutions as soon as possible. Their goal is to maintain self esteem and keep values of society intact. They act like a connecting force in maintaining the relationships to their families, neighbors, communities and society. Being so important part of our society studies has shown that there is drastic decline in happiness among women. We have witnessed gender-based and work environment discrimination or harassment against women which really contributes to a decline in their psychological wellbeing.
Studies show that rates of depression, suicide, and self-destructive behaviors, like bingeing and cutting, have increased among female gender over the last two decades. Twice as many women experience depression at some point in their lives when compared to men. Gender, genetic, social, and economic differences all play a role in the development of depression in women. A report by the World Health Organization cited that 41.9 per cent of women experience depressive disorders and disability from neuropsychiatric diseases compared to 29.3 per cent in men.
Most Prevalent factors or causes can be:
- Women face societal and familial pressures for fundamental needs.
- Gender-based and work environment discrimination.
- Domination and superiority assumed by men over women.
- Increased rate of domestic violence against women.
- Hormonal changes in women during menstrual periods or pre, peri and postnatal periods also play an important role.
- Abuse against women (sexual, physical, emotional)
How to be Helpful
Education, training and interventions are crucial to targeting the social and physical environment that is essential for a woman to nurture her mental health. Mental health services have a crucial role to play in alleviating suffering associated with psychiatric illnesses so it is important to upgrade the quality of mental health services. Awareness programs such as development of community based programs may build up the engagement of many women and they will become aware about their rights. We have to work in collaboration with different agencies to promote awareness about gender policies, to stop violence against women, and toward empowering women economically.
Curtailing and preventing domestic violence is the prime need of the hour. It is important for their mental well being that they should get utmost respect and support from their employers, colleagues and make their work place better so that women achieve a better work-life balance. The only way forward is to educate women and young girls to fight injustice and exploitation.
Here are some tips to help you get started with self-care:
- Get regular exercise.
- Eat healthy, regular meals and stay hydrated.
- Make sleep a priority.
- Try a relaxing activity.
- Set goals and priorities for yourself.
- Remind yourself daily of things you are grateful for.
- Identify and challenge your negative and unhelpful thoughts and focus more on positivity..
- Stay connected to your friends or family members.
- Seek professional help if you are experiencing severe or distressing symptoms,
A happy woman is a beautiful woman. If a woman is happy then our society will be happy as well.
Wishing everyone a very happy women’s day!
(The Author is Consultant Psychiatrist, Govt. Medical College Srinagar, IMHANS)