As we all know that exams are crucial part of our education for professional as well as personal growth, besides posing an opportunity to lead towards our higher dreams and aspirations. Most of the students feel stressed about their exams during preparation period. It is good to feel optimally anxious about exams in order to be serious towards them and perform better.
However, it is important to approach them with a clear mind and an understanding of the posed challenges during preparation and while attempting an exam. In many cases, exam stress is all in the mind, so ensuring mental discipline is an important part to succeed. In this article, we shall focus on the strategy/rationale of how to prepare for an exam and deal with the stress associated with it by adopting some important clues from psychological experts.
The first important thing for a student to do is to have a thorough and clear go through of the syllabus. A student should be sure to consult their subject syllabus before preparation, so that in future exam shall feel less vague and more like something one can handle. If one is not clear on anything, he/she should ask their teacher, as teachers would much rather answer questions than have their students proceed without understanding what is expected.
Next thing to do is to study in conditions similar to one’s test room. There is a phenomenon existing in psychology called context-dependent memory– that refers to the idea that we are best able to remember things in environmentssimilar to when the information was encoded. Moreover, a related phenomenon so called state-dependent memory, which means that our memory is better when we learn and retrieve information in similar bodily states. For example, if one shall be in a quiet room during his/her exam, try to simulate those conditions while preparation — this is using context-dependent memory to one’s advantage. Secondly, for an example of state-dependent memory, if one is preparing for exam using a cup of coffee, it is seen that memory on test day may be better if one have a similar amount of coffee that day too. Using such knowledge and taking evidence-backed steps — would go a long way in keeping one off – stress about an upcoming exam and maximize one’s gaining score.
Taking notes in class gives one a great advantage. Students should not just rely on their memory or course books, besides they should take class time seriously by taking notes and summarizing what the teacher has said. While feeling exam stress, one can review their summarized notes that might help in remembering things happened in class and further gaining mastery over one’s study material. Moreover, while taking notes, focus on jotting down keywords and key ideas, rather than trying to take dictation. Reviewing one’s notes weekly — will help to learn the material and transfer it to long-term memory so that when it comes time for the exam, one might feel much better prepared.
Managing one’s time wisely
Breaking up one’s study time into chunks over days or even weeks will help in retaining more of the information. Adopting state-dependent memory like trying to study at around the same time of day as one will be taking the test — that way one will be similarly tired/awake when study and while taking test.
Thinking about the kinds of factors that allow one to be most comfortable and relaxed as one prepares for an exam. For example, when setting up a dedicated study space, track the level of light in the room — some students study better with light, others study better in dimmer light. Examining one’s work space and finding an alternate place to study such as a library or coffee shop. Moreover, a change of scenery can give one a fresh look at the material and also provide additional valuable sources of information.
Taking frequent breaks
As per psychology studies, the average human brain can only focus on one task effectively for about 45 minutes. In addition, research in neurosciences suggests that focusing on the same thing for too long diminishes the brain’s ability to accurately process it.
Staying adequately hydrated by being sure to drink plenty of water to aim for at least 8 eight-ounce glasses of water per day. Taking excess caffeine can make one feel anxious, which can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. Experts recommend getting no more than 400 mg of caffeine per day for adults. Kids and teens should limitthemselves to about 100 mg per day (one cup of coffee). Moreover, a cup of herbal tea can help one feel more relaxed and stay hydrated.
Rewarding one’s achievements, no matter how small
Students who feel stressed about an exam should make sure to reward themselves for their study time. Because rewarding will not only motivate them to continue studying besides would help in reducing stress levels. For example, after studying hard for an hour — taking a break for a positive relaxing activity that should amount to rewarding one’s achievements.
Exercising regularly
Regular aerobic exercise can relieve stress. So if one find him/herself in a nervous mood before an exam, he/she should go for a run or hit the gym to positively work out. Besides meditate after work out. This lets one’s mind to focus and calm down and stay motivated.
Eating healthy foods
It is important to eat right and healthy foods to stay healthy and have the positive energy for doing best in one’s exam without stressing about it. When one eats unhealthy foods — it can make one feel negative, which might interfere with one’s exam preparation. Having a balanced diet, containing variety of healthy food sources including green leafy vegetables and fruits — would keep one healthy and positively motivated for exam.
Lesser not the least is getting a good night’s sleep. Inadequate sleep or trouble sleeping can contribute to feelings of fatigue, stress, and anxiety. Getting into a routine and following it every night — taking note of how many hours a night of sleep one needs in order to feel refreshed in the coming morning. Ideal is 8 hours of sleep every night. Moreover, for trouble sleeping, one should tend to read for 30 minutes before falling asleep and stick to that schedule as often as possible. This way one can train their body to have a good night’s sleep.
(Author is Physician & Diabetologist/Columnist, Member, Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI). Feedback: [email protected])