The charges of irregularities have cast a shadow on the recent JKP constable selection. While the incident is disturbing, it comes as a grim reminder of the relentless corruption menace standing in the way of merit and competence only to let down tens of thousands of job deserving candidates. Add to it, the sense of resignation triggered due to such reprehensible incidents. At stake is the future and career of the young population sweating blood to secure a gainful employment through fair means. This massive loss, bleak future of the youth, we can ill afford. Not immutable is the situation though.
Good news is that last year the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Jammu and Kashmir booked several officials– notably former Vice Chairman JDA for ‘illegally approved IT Park construction’. The Bureau had on January 5, 2024 caught two government officials for demanding and accepting a bribe; later a scientist met the same fate. The ACB deserves appreciation for the brave actions.
To dismantle the wall of corruption, every government is duty-bound but the key is to weed out the deep seated causes of the much-dreaded offense. Take the case of hoarding of wealth and property through fraudulent means— at the expense of public good. Numerous higher and low rung officials (pay grade aside) supposedly possess disproportionate assets. A conscientious official loses face everywhere and is afraid to perform her/his duties.
Though corruption practices by the low-income officials are somewhat understandable –but unpardonable– most high-income officials have also been found bleeding common people dry aside from the reports of bogus and unnecessary spending of public funds entrusted to their care. Reports of forgery are not rare.
Notably, there is no quick-fix solution to uproot corruption. Human greed and tendency to harm others can be tackled through checks and regulations and channelized in the right direction through value based education. This ironically is largely missing.
Call it the extortion of money or blackmailing for otherwise free public service delivery, a harsh reality is the declining or disappearing conviction of corruption mafia. This scenario defeats the democratic credentials, making fun of the ideals of transparency and accountability.
Able to escape notice and the long hands of the law, the wrongdoers get emboldened and enjoy a field day. A silver lining has come in the shape of the ACB, which remarkably looks bent on catching the guilty officials.
Incidentally, corruption and certain other shady practices have recently harmed many selection processes, a horrible development which has subjected the youths to stress and disillusionment. Also the setback is inimical to law and order. The future of the society is in the hands of the youth; that future is determined by the training, morals and education/treatment they receive today.
Worse, it has damaged the credibility of the institutions tasked to honour merit and hardwork, not big bucks. Why do not we care of merit and hard efforts of the job seeking citizens, our fellow humans? We do have strict laws which require officials to refrain from the illegal earnings; the ground realities, however, tell a different story. Despite strict instructions and welcome repeated reminders from the government against the malpractices, the corrupt officials believe that it is their right to earn extra income by looting public funds. Speedy conviction of these public serpents could be a deterrent.
An unscrupulous official seems to have become soulless and heartless, preventing him/ her from feeling the pain which the unlawful and evil act inflicts upon the victim humans through delaying tactics, excuses, arrogance, bribe- demand and untimely service delivery. All that the official prioritizes is his/ her own comfort, benefit, dignity and family.
Anywhere corruption — undue use of influence, bribery, nepotism, favoritism, non- cooperation — destroys economy and public trust and work ethics and work culture and — social cohesion. Plus, it births uncertainty and impedes social development. National Crime Records Bureau data has placed J&K second in the corruption index and 90 percent people, accused of corruption, are acquitted with no exemplary action taken against them. Without a strong precedent, we find high-profile corruption cases multiplying.
In About 95 percent cases, complaints were filed against the low rank officials for demanding petty Rs 1000 to Rs 5000. Not a single case was filed against top ranking officials who have been corrupting the system .A big reason is power of the official or justice not done if the case is filed against him/her.
Plans and programmes aimed at ordinary people’s prosperity appear but many of them perform below par– left incomplete or undone. In such climate, the values like justice, equality and the rule of law just remain lip service. They lose relevance and import. Pertinently, civilized societies punish the selfish and abusers of others and reward those who serve, cooperate and help without seeking anything in return.
More troublingly, most children learn from the behavior of their elders that only the self matters. They grow up with the learning that they simply have to feather their own nests with no regard for others’ interests and welfare. We see this selfish behavior on display in the unnecessary use of resources such as water, power and food. We see it on roads in the form of bad driving, bad parking and rash behavior.
To combat corruption, no government keeps a magic wand. People need to step in to discourage it. Religious leaders, media and, educational institutions can lead from the front. Laws and regulations need to be applied strictly, properly and justly. Most importantly, addressing income inequalities, pay anomalies ; ensuring fair distribution of national income and that no big fish slips through the wide anti-corruption net — these all can potentially shake the foundations of the corrupt ecosystem , if we are proactive. Minus that, incidents like JKP will not come to end.
(Author is a teacher and columnist and can be reached at: [email protected])