Bhaderwah, June 12: A two-day training program for mentors of standards clubs and science teachers of Doda and Kishtwar districts of Jammu and Kashmir was held at Teligarh Resort of Bhaderwah Development Authority, which emerged as a big success on 11th& 12th June 2024.
The program was organized by Jammu and Kashmir Branch Office (JKBO) of Bureau of Indian Standards, the national standard body of India. More than 55 mentors and science teachers of Doda and Kishtwar district were participated in the said training program.
With such training programmes JKBO is achieving newer heights with each passing day in far flung areas like Bhaderwah, which is one of the emerging tourist’s destinations.
The Principal of Government Higher Secondary School Trown, Tanvir Ahmed Wani was the guest of honor on the inaugural session. The aim of the training was to impart the knowledge on Lesson Plans under Learning Science via Standards.
Speaking on the inaugural session, Director and Head JKBO, Tilak Raj said that organizing this training programme in such a place which is far from major cities is a big achievement and it was not possible without the support of BIS officers and resource persons who have become the pillars of any programme of BIS.
“Our JKBO has reached in 28 districts of north India including 20 districts of Jammu and Kashmir, 6 districts of Punjab and two districts of Ladakh. We have created standards clubs in far flung areas like Warwan and Dachan areas of Kishtwar district which is a unique achievement for our organisation. These clubs are registered in the portal of BIS and DG BIS has appreciated us for achieving these rare feet,” Director said.
He announced that BIS JKBO will not stop here after creating clubs but will regularly organize competitions like Standard writing, quiz competitions, debate, poster making and exposure visit for students. “We hope that students work as ambassadors of BIS and aware people about standardisation,” Director said.
He asked the mentors and teachers to use learning science via standards in schools to make students understand the laws and principals of science in their daily life.
The Guest of honour, Tanvir Ahmed Wani appreciated the JKBO of BIS to choose Bhaderwah for holding this event and said that such kind of programmes will go in long way to aware people about standardisation.
The Director announced that soon members of standards clubs of Doda and Kishtwar will be taken for exposure visit to Jammu where students will be given practical overview of manufacturing in factories so that they understand the science behind making products.
The BIS Key Resource Persons Raja Amir Karim, Ms. Mehak Rasool and Ms. Syed SanjeedaShowkat presented the lecturers and power point presentation on different topics including learning science via standards-concept and methodology of use, overview of BIS activities covering standardization, certification scheme, testing, training & standards promotion, BIS website and e-BIS-features and use standards promotion, downloading standards and structures of standards.
The resource persons sensitized audience about buying only items with ISI mark and also differentiate between fake and original ISI marks. Teachers were also made aware about the hallmarking scheme on gold and checking the HUID number printed on the gold ornaments.
The resource persons provided lesson plans on different products to make teachers aware of the LSVS and how to use these lesson plans in schools.
The BIS-JKBO Standard Promotion Officer (SPO), Ashish Kumar Dwivedi presented the financial aspect of standards clubs and asked the mentors to register themselves on the BIS website from where they can regularly update about their club students. He impressed upon mentors to register their club members on the BIS portal so that their updated record is available with the department at the national level.
At the end certificate of participation was distributed among the participants by SPO Ashish Kumar Dwivedi and Key Resource Persons as well. A vote of thanks given by Imran Tantry, DNO Doda. Participants whole heartedly commended the program, acknowledged its pivotal role in enriching their comprehension of standard structures and technical intricacies.
BIS conducts training program for mentors, science teachers of Doda, Kishtwar
Key Resource Persons Raja Amir Karim, Mehak Rasool, Syed SanjeedaShowkat presented lecturers, power point presentation

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