Awnatipora, Oct 18: Near about hundred delegates and speakers from all parts of the world are attending the three day International conference on Culture, Heritage and Spirituality of Kashmir: Retrospect and Prospect, which began in Islamic University of Science and Technology (IUST) on Tuesday.
Prof. Manzoor Ahmad Malik, Dean Academics Affairs, IUST and the conference chair delivered the welcome address, wherein he welcomed all the dignitaries and highlighted the salience of conducting such conferences for reviving Kashmiri culture and heritage. Speaking about the aim of the conference, Prof. Malik mentioned the main objective is not only to celebrate the rich cultural history that we share but also to make an attempt to remove historical inaccuracies and fallacies vis-à-vis literature available on history, culture, heritage and spirituality of Kashmir based on rigorous research.
In his presidential address, honourable Vice Chancellor, Prof. Shakil Ahmad Romshoo, IUST, congratulated the organisers of the conference for developing themes related to culture, heritage and language, which he mentioned is very important. Prof. Romshoo underlined the well preparedness of the institute for organising such events by shedding light on various initiatives started by the University for the promotion of culture, heritage and spirituality of the region such as the Averroes Centre for Philosophical Studies, Habba Khatoon Centre for Language and Literature, International Centre for Spiritual Studies and Department of Architecture. Assuring IUST to be at the centre of preservation and promotion of Heritage, culture and language; HVC outlined a brief about the University’s achievements and stressed about the importance of participation of civil society in such efforts.
Padma Shri Prof. Dinesh Singh, Chancellor K.R. Mangalam University and former VC University of Delhi, was the chief Guest of the Conference. Speaking during his address, Prof Singh mentioned the rich legacy of Kashmiri tradition and attributed the importance of humility in pursuit of knowledge, which leads to the greater path of spirituality. He implored young students to adopt the culture, tradition and spiritualty of the region by pursuing what in their hearts and for that, he mentioned institutions like IUTS would allow you to find the drumbeat of your soul.
Prof. Leila Chamankhah, faculty department of Philosophy, University of Dayton along with Mr. Akhsay Kaul, founder director and principal landscape architect of Akshay Kaul and Associates and Professional chair of Master of Architecture (Landscape) in Manipal University, Jaipur; were the Guest of honor for the conference.
The inaugural also saw the book release of Kashmiri translation of the magnum opus of Shri Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali authored by Mashoor Banihali.
Ms. Taiba Musadiq Sahaf, Research scholar, department of Management studies, led the event proceedings and Mr. Mehran Qureshi, Head of the Department Architecture and organizing secretary for the conference concluded the inaugural by presenting the vote of thanks.
3-day conference on ‘Culture, Heritage and Spirituality of Kashmir’ begins at IUST

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