Man, by nature though peaceful does engage in conflicts the world over guided by a multifarious of objectives that may include a raft of reasons ranging from protecting one’s turf of existence in terms of livelihood, influence, expansionist tendency and so on. Often putting him in direct confrontation with his fellow beings that may linger on for quite a long time depending upon his capacity to sustain the conflict, he may opt for conflict resolution and conceptualize methods and processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of conflict.
There is no conflict that doesn’t result into human rights violations whether in a covert or overt manner, the only difference being that in overt human rights violations the crescendo of rights activists’ stand resonate loud and clear for the world to take notice. Many a times these violations are deliberately given a short shrift riding on the wave of state sponsored support as has been found now in Bangladesh, where the Hindu community is virtually sitting on a precipice for the last so many weeks now.
Welcome to the ‘World Human Rights Day’ which is rung every year with regularity on 10 December. A creation of the world body aka UN, the day of 10th December is celebrated every year to commemorate the setting up of this occasion in 1948 when a UN declaration was adopted under the aegis of ‘Universal declaration of Human rights’ (UDHR). This landmark document enshrines the inalienable rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being – regardless of race, color, religion, sex, language, political or other considerations, national or social origin, property and such like issues.
The UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) was proclaimed by the UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) in Paris on 10th December 1948 and sets out, for the first time fundamental human rights to be universally protected. As a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, the UDHR is a global blueprint for international, national and local laws and policies as also a bedrock of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. This document is available in 577 languages, from Abkhaz to Zulu making the UDHR the most translated document in the world as on today.
Since last few decades, almost all big international days of significance having a bearing on humanity as such are adduced with a lasting impression that resonates with that year’s abiding theme. This year of 2024 has the theme which goes by the essence —‘Our rights, our future, right now’. Human rights play a critical role as a preventive, proactive and transformative force for good and can empower people and communities to build a better future. Human rights have a tangible & positive impact and offer practical solutions. By embracing the full power of human rights as the path to the future we want, the world can become more peaceful and equal.
One of the foremost roles of ‘Human rights’ is that of a ‘preventive role’ i.e. by defending human rights we can prevent harm before it happens. By having a common set of values and principles that apply universally, human rights help to avoid violations, conflicts and abuses before they happen. Human rights bind us together. Not only those Human rights have both a protective as well as transformative role, they act as beacon for the world body to act in a fair & square manner too. The laws and framework of human rights protect against abuses, violations and other harms ensuring everyone can live in dignity and respect. Human rights are not mere abstract ideas.
But are these roles & ideas being carried forward in letter & spirit by the UN body / UDHR? I have my definite doubts about these roles being implemented the way they should be. It is no secret that max of these UN bodies are a mere extension of the ‘Anglo-American bloc’ with their agendas ruling the roost. It has been the wont of these UN bodies to cry hoarse flogging the horse of Human rights violations suiting their own ends. Since December 1948, when this UN day of human rights came into existence, there have been dozens of cases of human rights violations all over the globe with many of them bordering on being labeled as a typical ‘Genocide’ yet this world body maintaining a deafening silence.
Just to give two prime examples; China’s ‘Re-education camps’ that have the Uyghur population as its center of attention has hundreds of Xinjiang camps where regular rape, torture, assault and summary executions are the order of the day. Secondly Nigerian oppression by that country’s militant group –Boko Haram has been at the center of a major conflict with the national army of Nigeria resulting into abduction of thousands of children, women, and young boys forcing them to join military forces. Where are the UN bodies & UDHR in their implementation of the guide lines as enunciated? With the entire might of the UN countries forming part of UDHR, it seems all efforts have fallen flat on their faces to sort out these two glaring examples of human rights violations.
Though there are many cases of human rights violations since the formation of UDHR, I will try to espouse the cause of Hindu population which has been at the short end of the stick in neighboring Bangladesh; where even after a passage of half a century (53 years to be precise) a sense of déjà vu has been revisited upon them. And speaks volumes about UN & US complicity of looking the other way with the marauding extremists hell bent upon turning the clock back.
Way back in March 1971 when ‘OP Searchlight’ was put into motion by Pakistan as a broader part of subjugating the Bengali voice of creation of a separate nation out of East Pakistan , a systematic pogrom with the tacit approval of US administration kick started. This resulted in mass exodus of Bengali people from East Pakistan irrespective of their religious denomination. Which later on took shape of Hindu genocide constantly denied by both Pakistan & US. All the UN agencies including the UNHCR were denied access to the rumblings going on inside E. Pakistan. This bubble of deceit, calumny and perfidy was burst by their own counsel General in Dacca Mr. Archer Blood who released tapes of atrocities on Hindu population to the Reuters and other international news channels across the world.
Where was the so called neutrality and probity by the UN aid agencies? Weren’t they dominated by the Anglo –American bloc of countries to do their bidding, which even to this day continues unabated? Aren’t the current UN aid agencies and the UNGA aware of the same fate having befallen upon the hapless minorities of Bangladesh to step up their mandate and do a suo-moto intervention to help stop human rights violation going over the precipice?
Here comes the final role of UN Human rights organization which should act as a beacon of ‘Transformative role’, upholding human rights as not only addressing present injustices , but driving significant social change by reshaping unjust societies and empowering marginalized groups. Has the ‘Transformative role’ been upheld by the UN Human rights in all its sincerity?
This year’s abiding theme for the event as stated by the world body —‘Our rights, our future, right now’ encapsulates the very urgency and no non sense wave of attitude sensed by UN ripping through the world. Can the UN body measure up to this sense of urgency and build in the requisite wherewithal to achieve the same? Though I can go on and on in this write up of mine to lay bare the partisan role being played by these UN agencies and acting as a typical front of the Anglo-American bloc of countries, this UN Human rights day of 2024 I leave it to the readers of this article of mine to decide.
(The Author is a retired army officer and a regular scribe of Rising Kashmir. He can be approached on his email: slalotra [email protected])