Human beings, irrespective of colour, caste and gender, have been made “honourable” and “respectable” by God, the Almighty. (Qur’an, 17:70) This honour and respect has been bestowed upon humans not only with respect to their shape and stature but also, and more so, because of the reason and intellect which they have been created with. It is this faculty which makes them distinct and different from other creatures. With respect to physique and other faculties humans have been given “the best of the moulds” (Qur’an, 95:04) as well as “balance” and “fine proportion.” (Qur’an, 87:02). It is very interesting to note that the difference of “language and colour” among human beings has been declared as “one of the signs of God.” (Qur’an, 30:22)
This overall dignity given to humans suggests that there should have been no difference of treatment meted out to any of the genders. Rather, both should have been and should be treated with equity without any bias towards one or the other. It is a fact, however, that woman was maltreated across cultures throughout the ages. The unique qualities of constitution which, no doubt, differed between man and woman, which should have worked as signs of recognition and introduction for both, were taken as marks of exploitation for woman throughout the ages. Thus not to speak of any kind of equality, which indeeddidn’t exist physically and constitutionally, even equity was lost sight of which was not impossible to maintain and hold between the genders.
Although woman has every right to demand everything from the society which is necessary for her welfare and development, but what she commands is respect, honour and love. However, these words should not be just uttered to achieve the docility of woman. Rather, these words should be meant and considered as the rights of woman.It is a fact that respect, hounour and love is the need of every human being for “self actualization” as per Abraham Maslow.As such, men shouldn’t deny women the things which they themselves are in need of. Moreover, the things in question are not such entities which should be fought for. It is also a fact that women, by dint of their constitution and temperament, command respect, honour and love more than men do. However, men, on their part, while giving women what is their due, should in no way consider it a charity towards women. Rather, it should become a normal attitude of men to mete out to women a treatment which they deserve on their own right.
Now, respect is “a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.”The abilities and qualities possessed by women are not lesser than or inferior to men. As is well known both men and women have been created from the same “stock” and through the same “process” by God. Same physical constituents (organic material) are possessed by both men and women. Likewise, same spirit (ruh) has been blown into the physical structures of both. So, where does lie the difference between man and woman? Actually, the difference between them lies in the roles which they are modeled to play. There do exist some fields where one of the genders is intrinsically suited to perform its best. It doesn’t, however, mean that the other one is unfit to play that role.It only means that the other couldn’t perform the task as it should be ideally performed. And, this is true for both the genders.
So, it is the qualities and abilities of woman which should decide the status which she should enjoy as a human being. The status should thus be directly proportional to these qualities and abilities. However, there shouldn’t be any demarcation of “indoor” and “outdoor” roles which a woman plays as a responsible human being. This is because she does play all these roles in a best way as per her physical, psychological and emotional constitution. Although it is true that sometimes her physique doesn’t allow her to perform some activity in the desired way, her psychological and emotional set-up, however, beautifies all her roles and takes them to a sublime level of excellence. It is here that her actions become appreciable and respectable.
So far as the case of “honour” is concerned, it is the “quality of knowing and doing what is morally right.” Clearly, this quality is not only theoretical (intellectual) but it is practical as well. Now, by continually thinking and acting morally, a woman gains “high esteem and great respect” which is nothing but “honour” which she commands but never demands. Here, it should be kept in mind that bashfulness and modesty is actually the “voice of human nature.” However, these traits, in reality, are symbolized by woman. She generally doesn’t fall prey to moral corruption and is least susceptible tocharacter degradation. It in no way means that man is not sensitive vis-à-vis moral and ethical issues. What it means is that woman shouldn’t be blamed for any and every moral imbalances in the society.
In this regard, it should be noted that the “legendary anecdote” that woman had been responsible for the “fall” of humanity should be relooked. First of all, the expression “Fall of Adam (Humanity)” is an erroneous notion because not only was humanity “sent to the earth with a grand plan to fulfill” but also the progenitors of humanity (Adam and Eve) were bestowed with same constitution. As such, both were good by nature but were susceptible to error as well. This fact has been thus stated by the Qur’an: “But Satan deceived (both of) them—leading to their expulsion from the blissful state (Paradise which) they were in.” (Qur’an, 2:36) This highlights the fact that woman should never be held responsible for the shortfalls of man. Thus she is intrinsically dignified and honourable.
Naturally, the respect and honour which woman commands should create an “intense feeling of deep affection” or simply “love” for her. As such, the love thus created wouldn’t be caused by her “physical appearance” but by the very qualities by dint of which she commands “respect” and “honour.” First, she would be welcomed (loved) as a child by her parents on her birth instead of being “buried alive” as was the practice of the Age of Ignorance or killed through “feticide” as is the practice of the modern Neo-Ignorance! It would be followed by the love “showered” on her by her brother as an “equal” sibling to participate in the pleasure and pain of the household. This “ritual” of love would then pass on to the man who would become the spouse of this “respectable, honourable and lovable” being called the woman! Then the “strings of love” would be taken by her children into their hands to complete this cycle of love when she enters the old age.
Woman, as such, would command as well as enjoy “respect, honour and love” from cradle to grave and her life would indeed be dignified and sublime!
(The author is Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies at GDC Sogam, Lolab. Feedback: