National Statistics Day
On 29th, June every year in India, the Statistics Day is observed to honour statistician P.C. Mahala Nobis. Also, the celebration day is held in honour of the contributions made by Indian statisticians and to raise awareness of the subject of statistics. The government of India on 5th June, 2007, a proclamation was published in the Indian Gazette regarding Statistics Day. Since then, seminars, conferences, debates, and competitions have been held on Statistics Day to increase public awareness of the significance of official statistics.
The first Statistics Day was observed on June 29, 2007 with many conferences, events, and campaigns were held in different places through NSSO to honour P.C. Mahala Nobis’ birthday. The main aim of the celebration of the statistics day is to create public awareness among people especially young generation and other people about the role of the importance of statistics in socio-economics planning, policy formulation for development of the country.
As we know that the statistics has several meanings. The word Statistics’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Status’ which means a “Political State” clearly, Statistics is closely linked with the administrative affairs of a state such as facts and figures regarding defense force, population, housing,food, financial resources etc.
The knowledge of the statistics is required for understanding various other subjects in terms of the research and development. In modern terms such as information technology, artificial intelligence and other important tools of Statistics play an important role in day to day life. There are two main objectives of Statistic, one is to enlarge knowledge along with experience and other one is to improve the precision of the ideas or polices formulated different fields. These two objectives are done by presenting the facts in a definite form, condensations of mass of figures, comparison, correlation, testing for formulation of polices and predication.
Modern age is also considered as the age of Statistics. It is correctly said that the extent of economic development of a country can best be known by finding out the extent to which statistical organizations or institutions has deep relation with the development and wellbeing there. Broadly speaking at international level, nation level and state level progress of any matter can be evaluated in terms of the Statistics which is the only science which deals with the method of collecting, classifying, presenting, comparing and interpreting numerical data collected to throw some light on any sphere of enquiry for monitoring the progress of well-being and development in terms of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS).
As we know that the United Nations (UN) General Assembly held on 25th September 2015 adopted the document titled “Transforming our world with the 2030 agenda for sustainable development”. The Sustainable Development Goals are (1) End poverty (2) Zero hunger. (3) Good health and wellbeing (4) Quality education (5) Gender equality (6) Clean water and Sanitation (7) Affordable and clean energy (8) Decent work and economic growth (9) Industry, innovation and infrastructure (10) Reduced inequalities (11) Sustainable cities and communities (12) Responsible consumption and production (13) Climate change (14) Life below water (15) Life on land (16) Peace, justice and strong institutions and (17) Partnerships for the goals.
India has provided strong endorsement to the SDGs, giving a considerable fillip to agenda 2030. It is widely agreed that India will play a leading role in determining the relative success or failure of the SDGs, as it is the second most populous country in the world. The sustainable Development goals is a real agenda to change the nation first and then world by achieving targets by 2030. This is why the celebration of Statistics Day is observed with the SDGs
Every year the theme of Statistics Day is decided on focused attention. This year the theme is “Alignment of State Indicators Framework with National Indicators Framework for monitoring Sustainable Development Goals Development”. As we know that the Sustainable development provides an approach to making better decisions on the issues that affect all our lives. By incorporating health plans into the planning of new communities, for instance, we can ensure that residents have easy access to healthcare and leisure facilities. The decisions of poor planning of communities impacts society as a whole and having real consequences to reduces the quality of life for the people.
In terms of alignment of state indicators framework with national indicators framework for monitoring Sustainable Development Goals, there were some issues to monitoring real indicators which needs attention.
Issue of capacity building for national statistical indicators and state indicators framework
Capacity building for the employees and officials both in public and private sectors whom are dealing with the indicators of sustainable development goals at state level and national level. The knowledge of sustainable development goals with indicators and their measurement of achievements and targets will play an important role of both state and national level in order to get better picture of the monitoring of sustainable development goals (SDG). The training programs is an urgent need and should be from same platform for both state and centre so that the knowledge of measurement of various indicators and targets of sustainable development goals and will be possible to the alignment of the state indicators framework with national indicator framework for monitoring sustainable development goals.
Delay in reporting timely data collection of various statistical indicators
There is delay of data collection and other timely reporting of various indicators of Sustainable Development Goals at state level and centre level. It is an observed that in particularat the state level there is timely delay or ignorance of the data collection and requirement of monitoring Sustainable Development Goals which result poor status of targets and achievements of the Sustainable DevelopmentGoals. The yearly report prepared by the centre at national level definitely effects to determine the status of actual index as well as also effects to achieve targets of the Sustainable Development Goals. It is suggested that there should be timely data collection and timely data reporting of various indicators at state level and centre so that the actual statistical position should be possible of the monitoring of the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals , if it is possible to the timely picture of the targets and the indicators of State and National level indicators which helps us the overallalignment of the achievements of the various indicators will be possible in time or by and before 2030.
Delay in implementation of various programs and schemes
There is in delay of implementation of various programs and schemes at centre as well state level due to corruption and other reasons. There are a lot of programs and schemes in the government as well as private sectors at centre and state level which delayed in implementation due to administrator and financial matters for one reason or the other. The other reasons may be delay in timely implementation that will also affect the achievement of targets and monitoring of indicators of Sustainable Development Goals. There should not be delay of implementation of various programs and schemes at centre state level for development and wellbeing for the nation. If it is possible to implement the programs and schemes of the government and private sectors in timely implementation and the achievements of targets and indicators may be alignment at National indicator framework with state level framework for monitoring Sustainable Development Goals. It will give us well picture of development and wellbeing of the people.
Awareness of SDGs of various programs and schemes
Awareness at any level is important for better implementation of various programs and schemes which dealt with the indicators of sustainable development Goals. It was observed at state and national level that there is not well awareness of various programs and schemes of government and private sectors which directly dealt with their status of various targets of 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The awareness plays an important role for better implementation of various programs and schemes at centre and state level which will help for better picture of state indicators framework as well as a centre statistical framework of monitoring of the targets and achievements of the various indicators of Sustainable Development Goals. If it is possible to get better awareness of various programs and schemes at all level that will definitely affect the reporting the date collection of the various indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals. This is also possible to alignment of the state as well as the centre indicators framework of monitoring Sustainable Development Goals.
At last I want to say that the understanding of above mentioned sustainable development is linked with statistics. Statistics has the potential to help significantly improve the quality of life through real data with the objective of four dimensions namely society, environment, culture and economic. That is why Statistics awareness is necessary for every citizen and for the well being of our nation.
(The Author is ISS C/O Deputy Director General, National Statistical Office (Field Operations Division) Regional office, Shimla HP. Email: [email protected])