Srinagar, Dec 04: Week long Training Program on “Nursery Management in Fruit Crops” was organised by KVK Srinagar from 26th Nov to 2nd Dec under the aegis of Directorate of Planning & Monitoring and sponsored by MSME, GOI under the module MDP to foster entrepreneurship among the youth of the area.
The inaugural technical session of the week long Training Program conducted at Centre of Excellence for Temperate Fruits (CoE) Zawoora, Department of Horticulture Kashmir was graced by Yaseen Malik (Nursery Registration Officer Kashmir) and presided by Dr. Simnani, Prof and Head KVK Srinagar and was attended among others by KvK Scientist , HDOs Hilal Bhat, Mr Nangroo of CoE, Dr.Saleem Darzi (HDO PEQ centre) besides participating trainees and field staff of Hort Zone Srinagar. The Skill Program was anchored and coordinated by Dr. Rayees wani, Dr. Aasima Rafiq , MSME Coordinators of said training.
The training module comprised both the theoretical as well as hands on nursery operations with special emphasis on production of high value crops viz. walnut, kiwi, grapes under hi-tech poly house conditions. Resource persons drawn from diverse fields of Nursery management dealt on the several components of modern fruit nursery right from site selection, establishment of mother blocks, advances in propagation techniques, replant problem, pit preparation and ultimate uprooting and transplantation of the quality nursery planting material at pre-designed orchard layout. Dr. Uzma Bashir and Dr. Ghazanfer deliberated on the Soil profiling and Soil Sampling Techniques whereas Dr. Ghazanfer gave a presentation on innovations in Nursery Infrastructure. Dr. Saima Hameed (HDO) gave an overview of the various schemes available with their Department for expansion under HDP orcharding.
During the concluding session, Joyti parshad (CHO Sgr) made an elaborated presentation regarding the Hassle free process to register for various schemes under HADP Portal tailored for economic upliftment and livelihood security of the Farming community.
Training prog on Nursery Mgmt in Fruit Crops held at SKAUST-K

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