National Education Policy 2020 (NEP-2020) was approved by the Union Cabinet on 29 July, 2020 and it was implemented by UT of Jammu and Kashmir from year 2022, marking year 2022 as the year of academic excellence. Thus, the batches of students admitted in colleges since year 2022 are known as NEP batches as these have been granted admissions following the guidelines as laid down in NEP-2022. While there are many unique features given in the policy which aims to transform the education system, one of the focuses of the policy is on Student Centered Learning.
NEP-2020 advocates a transition from traditional rote learning, emphasizing on enhancing conceptual learning, critical thinking, application, creativity and innovation. For this different approaches and methods are discussed in the policy documents and other guidelines coming from UGC from time to time. Some of these are changes in curriculum design, experimental teaching approach, multidisciplinary learning etc. Here in this piece, mainly the role and the responsibilities of a student will be highlighted so that the goal of NEP-2020 vis-à-vis student centered learning is achieved. As student is one of the main stake holders in higher education they hold a central position for achieving the holistic goals, some of the key responsibilities of the students is;
Become active learners
Traditionally there was one-way transition in the class; student was a passive recipient but NEP-2020 promotes active learning, now student has to become an active participant. For this type of an interactive class which will promote conceptual leaning, student has to come prepared for the class so that there is discussion rather than one-way lecturing on the topic being discussed for the day. This will promote active learning and here teacher will be a facilitator and a co-learner who will have a great responsibility now as now both student as well as teacher will discuss critical problems and think of solutions leading to creativity and innovation.
Right use of technology
In the present times, each student is holding a good smart phone. This offers unparallel access to information, literature, numerous free resources, entertainment and social media. The usage of this indispensable technology requires a balance and self-control as there are always greater chances of negative consequences rather than harnessing the potential benefits. The right use is prioritizing smart phone for open educational resources, e-books, access to research articles, online lectures available from global experts turning them into valuable tools for academic growth and to become active learners as discussed above. Peer-learning and collaboration is yet another good use of smart phone like creating groups where critical questions are discussed. Smart phone can be a powerful tool when used wisely and responsibly. In short, responsible use of smart phone can be a key to achieve academic and academic success in today’s digital era.
Target 7.5 CGPA
Students who achieve 75% marks and above in their first 6 semesters of UG degree shall be allowed to continue studies in the fourth year of the undergraduate programme to pursue and complete the Bachelor’s degree with Research. With a four-year UG degree and a minimum of 75% marks, candidates are eligible to directly appear for National Eligibility Test (NET) and Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) to start their PhD journey. This four year UG degree is at par with global education systems thus giving students a seamless international mobility and hence can join foreign universities without requirement of any bridge course.
Open for internship, apprenticeship, skill development and MOOCs courses
UG students should look for internships and apprenticeships particularly during vacations which will help students to gain experience, develop specific skills and built professional network. These will equip students with better communication skills, teamwork, fulfill targets, prepare reports etc., which will definitely increase their career prospects. Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) are free online courses available for anyone to enroll and provide yet another good opportunity to for students with a number of advantages like accessibility, cost effective and self paced which definitely help a lot in career advancement.
Be regular and punctual
This should have been the first point, but has been deliberately put at last so that students go through those points first which will be achieved with being regular and punctual to the college. As per the university guidelines, 75% of attendance is mandatory to be eligible for end semester examination. Being regular and punctual makes students disciplined which is vital for personal and professional life.
To conclude, NEP-2020 offers a transformative approach with focus on student centered learning. Students must adapt these roles and responsibilities which will not only bring personal success but will ensure holistic development and contribute significantly to the success of NEP-2020, marking a new era of excellence in education.
(The Author is Assistant Professor (Biotechnology), JK HED posted at Govt. Degree College, Pulwama. E-mail: [email protected])
Box: Traditionally there was one-way transition in the class; student was a passive recipient but NEP-2020 promotes active learning, now student has to become an active participant