Amar Singh College is a premier multi-disciplinary institution of the valley having around 5000 boys and girls on its rolls in different disciplines and on a day there is a huge foot fall of students in the college. The students have to play in the college play ground as per college sports calendar.
It has been observed that outsiders enter the college sports ground during official hours from the backside of the college which hinders our college boys and girls sports activities.
Accordingly, public in general and residents in the vicinity of Amar Singh College in particular are informed through this notice that college play ground is meant primarily for bonafide students of Amar Singh College and as such no outsider will be allowed to use the playground during official time 09:00 AM to 05: 00 PM.
However, the residents in the vicinity, clubs and other organizations who want to play in the college playground beyond college hours and holidays can seek proper permission from college authorities.