Srinagar Traffic Police on Thursday issued traffic advisory in view of Pedal for Peace” on Friday.
J&K Police is going to organize a Cycle Race-2022 “Pedal for Peace” on Friday 23rd September-2022 on the routes from Lalit Ghat (Police Golf Course) to Nagbal Chowk via Foreshore Road, Lalit Ghat to Harwan via Shailmar.
In order to facilitate smooth movement of cyclists on the Boulevard Road Srinagar from Lalit Ghat to Harwan & Lalit Ghat to Pandach, the road will remain closed for general traffic in the morning from 06:00 AM to 09:00 AM on Friday 23rd September-2022.
In order to have smooth movement of traffic and for convenience of general public/motorists, the following traffic advisory is issued: All traffic movement on the Boulevard Road from Lalit Ghat till Harwan via
Shalimar and Lalit Ghat to Pandach Crossing via Zakoora will be discouraged.
Motorists coming from Harwan New Theed Side are advised to adoptu Burzahama via Chandpora – Tailbal – Zakoora – Malbagh – Illahibagh – 90 feeto Road & vice versa to reach to their respective destinations.
Motorists coming from Ganderbal / Nagbal side towards Lalchowk are advised to adopt 90 feet Soura road & vice versa to reach to their destinations.
People are requested to avoid un-necessary movement on the Boulevard Road from Lalit Ghat till Harwan via Shalimar and Lalit Ghat to Pandach via Zakoora road particularly from 06:00 AM to 09:00 AM in the morning.
Medical emergencies and motorists who are going towards Srinagar Airport will be allowed to move via Foreshore-Dargah-Khanyar Road.