Srinagar, Mar 20: SKUAST-K, KVK Budgam organised a five day national training programme on Natural Farming in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and farmers welfare Budgam. The programme is aimed at strengthening the knowledge and skills of twenty (20) Krishi Sakhis in the field of Natural Farming in district Budgam. The trained Krishi Sakhis will be deployed for awareness generation, mobilization and handholding of willing farmers in the clusters. Dr. Bilal A. Lone (Prof & Head KVK Budgam), in his inaugural session urged the krishi sakhis to act as change agents in transformation of rural areas through social and economic mobilization with respect to Natural Farming. These convergent programmes intend to equip these extension functionaries with principles of natural farming strategies under National Mission for Natural Farming (NMNF). Dr. Shazia Ramzan (SMS Soil Science KVK Budgam) emphasized the importance of natural farming for ensuring long-term sustainability in agriculture while promoting environmental sustainability. Abdul Rouf Shah (District Level SMS) discussed the technical aspects of the Natural Farming.
The five-day programme is entailed to cover different aspects of natural farming including Need and importance of Natural Farming, Main pillars of Natural Farming, Nutrients management and inputs for soil health enhancement under natural farming, Crop residue and weed management under natural farming, preparation of different organic inputs and Current Scenario of Natural farming in India.
The training sessions are expected to empower Krishi Sakhis with the necessary knowledge and skills to foster Natural farming practices in their respective regions.