Srinagar, Feb 04: Directorate of Extension S.K. University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar has issued precautionary guidelines for farmers for the month of February regarding fruits, vegetables, rabi crops, onions, potatoes and planting of new tress.
The guidelines issued on Friday said that for rabi crops like wheat the farmers should clean fields and channels to avoid water stagnation in winter. “If temperature rises and growth starts in the last week of February month apply top dose of urea 3.25 kg/kanal,” it said.
Regarding apple it suggested farmers for removal and destruction of infested twigs off from the field. “Collect and destruct egg masses, borer infested branches, twigs should be pruned. Completely dried up trees should be uprooted, removed from orchard and burnt,” it said.
For rodent management, it said if weather is dry and free from snow remove dropped rotten fruits, debris and grasses from orchards to discourage rodents from availability of food and shelter.
Regarding apiculture, it suggested to narrow entrance of the hive while crevices of the hive shall be closed. “Provide feeding as sugar candies 12 cm diameter and 2 cm thick on top bars near the cluster, if short of store food. Remove the snow from the top of the hives in case of snowfall. Colonies should be kept on stand to avoid moisture by rain/snow. Do not disturb the cluster of bees in the hive,” it said.
For all temperate fruits, it suggested farmers to provide proper drainage in orchards to drain off surface water and collection and destruction of fallen leaves should be done.
“Bury mummified and diseased fruits left in and around orchards in compost pits to avoid over-wintering of pathogens. Prune cankered twigs as well as dry branches and destroy them. Scrap the affected bark of trunks and limbs, and apply Bordeaux paste or Chaubatia paste on pruned/scarified area/ wound,” it suggested.
Regarding vegetables like turnip, radish, carrot, cabbage, cauliflower and knol-khol, the guidelines suggested farmers to provide proper drainage in orchards/fields to drain off surface water.
Ahead of plating season of potato, it advised farmers to make early arrangement of quality potato seed tubers from an authentic source. “If weather permits planting of potato may be carried out in the last week of February for getting early crop,” it said.
Recommended varieties for potato are Shalimar Potato-1, Shalimar Potato-2, Kufri Jyoti, Kufri Giriraj, Gulmarg Special, Hirpora, K. Shailja, K. Himalini.
Regarding Kale, Orach, Spinach, Methi, Seed Crop, it asked for early nursery sowing of seeds to be carried out in protected structures like clotches, low tunnels, poly houses, hot beds etc.
“An early crop of leafy vegetables can be taken under clotches/low tunnels. For early cauliflower, transplanting of snow ball group may be done in 2nd week of February,” it said.
It also advised farmers that proper drainage of seed crops, garlic, onion and pran should be maintained to avoid water logging. “Hoeing/earthing up (if weather permits) in onions for greens shall be done,” it said.
For pruning of youth fruit trees, if weather condition permits, go for training and pruning of fruit trees if not done earlier.
“Adopt modified leader system for pome, stone and nut fruits and Kniffin, Head or Bower system for grapes, T-Bar or Pergola system for Kiwi and Tall spindle system for HDP. Remove diseased, dried or narrow angled branches along with water sprouts,” it said.
“In case of uprooted plants due to heavy snowfall, cover their roots with soil to prevent their desiccation and subject such plants to heavy pruning before resumption of active growth in spring,” it added.
Regarding nursery operations like bench grafting it suggested that bench grafting of nursery stock should be started. “Walnut grafting should be practiced during mid-February under polyhouse conditions,” it said.
For planting the guidelines said if the weather permits then perform the planting operations during last week of February. “Before planting, proper decision should be made on selection of varieties, rootstocks, tree size and spacing, placement of pollinizers/pollinators and planting layout,” it said.
Regarding planting of strawberries, it suggested farmers to go for the planting of strawberries in the 4th week of February if not done earlier.