Srinagar, Sept 11: Poultry chick distribution and training program was conducted for the tribal population of District Bandipora under tribal sub plan component of All India Coordinated Research Project on poultry by the Division of Livestock Management Production at Krishi Vigyan Kendra Bandipora.
Dr. Azmat Alam Khan, OSD to Vice Chancellor SKUAST-Kashmir was the chief guest at the program, attended by Dr. Tariq Sultan, PC KVK Bandipora, scientific and supporting staff of the KVK, project staff of AICRP-Poultry and tribal farmers. The farmers were given hands-on training about scientific poultry rearing and 40 backyard poultry units along with poultry feed was distributed among the farmers.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Azmat Alam Khan, OSD to Vice Chancellor advised the tribal farmers to take full advantage of tribal sub plan scheme of Government of India.
He assured that AICRP on Poultry would continue its efforts at strengthening backyard poultry farming in the District and would support the tribal farmers in particular so as to ensure socio-economic and nutritional security.
Dr. Tariq Sultan, PC KVK Bandipora outlined the Agricultural technologies developed by the University Scientists that are being disseminated to the farmers through Krishi Vigyan Kendras. He assured all support to the farmers particularly belonging to tribal communities with respect to agriculture.