School Education Department has asked all recognized private schools of Jammu and Kashmir to calculate the age of new enrollments in Nursery class as November-30 of the year in which admission is sought.
In this regard Principal Secretary, School Education Department Suresh Kumar Gupta in a circular said, “Educational institutions working in Kashmir division and winter zones of Jammu division are directed to adhere strictly to the guidelines to ensure hassle free admission process.”
“The department has received many representations regarding fixation of a deadline for calculation of the minimum prescribed age for the children seeking admission in Nursery and Balvatika given the restoration of the Nov-Dec academic calendar in Kashmir division and winter zones of Jammu division,” it reads.
The circular reads, “The issue has been examined Viz-a-Viz the provisions of National Education Policy-2020 (NEP-2020), which stipulates that a child entering Nursery, Balvatika, Pre-school and Anganwadi should be above 3 years of age.”
“With the restoration of the November-December academic session in Kashmir Division and winter zones of Jammu Division, it has become imperative to fix a deadline for calculating the minimum age of a child, compliant with the provisions of National Education Policy-2020,” it reads.
It also said that in light of the matter, “The date for reckoning the minimum age of the child shall be 30th November of the year in which admission is sought and granted in Kashmir division and winter zones o f Jammu division of the School Education Department, for admission in Nursery, Balvatika, Pre-School and Anganwadi—(KNO)