Ramadan is the ninth month and the holiest month of the Islamic calendar. Ramadan donations in various forms make an indispensable part of Ramadan, like fasting from dawn to sunset. Scholars suggest that any act of charity during Ramadan brings one closer to Allah and gain a deeper understanding of human suffering. It gives Muslims a chance to show compassion for those who are less fortunate and poor. Further, Ramadan charity inculcates a feeling of brotherhood and belongingness in the community.
Significance of Ramadan donation
In Islam, charity and generosity have special significance in a Muslim’s life. It is believed that charity is not only valuable for those who receive it, but those who perform charity are also greatly rewarded.
According to the Holy Quran, Allah said:
“Ramadan is the month of giving and mercy, and in it, Allah blesses the believers with forgiveness and being saved from Hellfire. Therefore, whoever is merciful and giving in Ramadan, Allah will be even more Merciful and Giving, and will bestow upon him countless bounties and blessings.”
Though Ramadan is the month when acts of charity are significantly rewarded, one should not focus on the gifts. The sole intention of Ramadan donation should be to aid the community. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) reportedly said: “Ramadan is an Honorable and blessed month, and the rewards for generosity are multiplied in it”. Owing to the immense significance of Ramadan in the Islamic calendar year, the holy month is a time when all the good deeds receive extra rewards and blessings.
Different types of Ramadan donation: Charity during Ramadan can take different forms. Here are the top ways to give back to the community during the holy month.
Zakat – Five pillars of Islam
Counted amongst the five pillars of Islam, Zakat is the obligatory act of charity. All eligible Muslims are required to donate a particular portion of their wealth to the poor and needy every year as Zakat. Paying Zakat is considered to be a great form of worship and is said to purify one’s yearly earnings. The amount paid as Zakat is based on one’s income and the value of possessions. Typically, the minimum amount for those who are eligible is 1/40th or 2.5% of a Muslim’s total wealth and savings. While Zakat can be paid at any time during the year, there is no better time to do it than during Ramadan since the rewards for charitable acts are multiplied at this time.
Ramadan Iftar donation – Ramadan food donation
One of the best ways to multiply the reward and increase one’s Iman in the holy month of Ramadan is by providing those less fortunate with iftar. One can make Ramadan food pack donation and help the society and poor. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:” Whoever feeds a person breaking his fast will earn the same reward as him, without anything being lessened from the reward of the fasting person.” One can make a Ramadan meal donation to the local mosque or feed a poor family during the holy month. Feeding the poor not only multiplies the rewards of charity but also aids in expiating all the sins of an individual. Giving groceries to poor families during the month of Ramadan can help them prepare iftar and break their fast.
Zakat al-Fitr – Obligatory donation on Eid
Before performing Eid prayers at the end of Ramadan, all eligible adult Muslims are required to pay zakat al-Fitr. It is an obligatory act of charity done for the poor and the needy. Zakat al-Fitr can be paid during Ramadan as well as on the day of Eid ul Fitr. The primary purpose of paying zakat al-Fitr is to enable all the members of the Muslim community to enjoy Eid and all joys it brings with it. The amount of Zakat al-Fitr is the same for everyone. The minimum amount is four double handfuls of grain, food, dried fruit, or an equivalent sum of money. Missing the payment of zakat al-Fitr is considered a grave sin.
Ramadan Clothes Donation – Sheltering needy from environment
Another great way of giving back to the community during Ramadan is making a Ramadan clothes donation. There are many people who are not fortunate enough to have clothes to keep them shielded from harsh weather conditions. If one is lucky enough to have extra clothes that are not useful anymore, donating them to those in need instead of throwing them away is an excellent means of receiving the blessings of Allah. Whether one hands-off clothes to a charity that accepts these donations or just directly gives them to someone in need, the act is a generous example of charity.
Sadaqah – Small acts of kindness
Charity doesn’t always have to be physical or monetary. It can also be giving someone a helping hand or something even as simple as a smile. Every kind act performed during Ramadan is considered a sign of sincere faith and serves as a great way to gain Allah’s blessings. For those who aren’t in a position to donate clothes, food, or money, simple voluntary acts of kindness are highly beneficial as well.
If one manages to do any good deeds like making a Ramadan donation in the form of food, groceries, clothes, money, or even just simple, selfless, kind actions, they will be significantly rewarded and blessed by Allah (SWT). While the rewards of making a Ramadan donation are multiplied, good deeds done throughout the year also fetch Allah’s blessings. Muslims should not just limit their generosity and charitable acts to the holy month of Ramadan but also be kind and compassionate all year around.