Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Principal Secretary PK Mishra on Friday participated in a high-level meeting in New York where he talked about scaling up resilience and reducing disaster risk in landlocked developing countries (LLDCs).
The high-level panel was organised by the government of Botswana. The panelist during the meeting recognised several challenges faced by LLDCs.
“Dr P.K. Mishra, Principal Secretary @PMOIndia participated in a high-level panel organized by @BWGovernment on ‘Scaling up resilience & reducing disaster risk in Landlocked Developing Countries. Recognised challenges faced by LLDCs & highlighted @cdri_worldhas 6 LLDC members,” the official Twitter handle of India at UN tweeted.
Mishra also underlined India’s impressive sharing of risk governance approaches at the High-Level meeting of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (HLM) in New York on Friday.
‘Impressive sharing of risk governance approaches at High-Level Meeting on #SFDRR showcasing power of integrated solutions. Dr P.K. Mishra, Principal Secretary @PMOIndia, highlighted ‘s unwavering commitment to break sectoral silos & forge new paths in #DRR,” India at UN tweeted.
During his visit, the Principal Secretary also met United Nations Development Programme administrator, Achim Steiner.
Taking to Twitter, Steiner wrote, “Pleasure to meet Dr PK Mishra, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister of India.
Discussed #India’s lead role – incl. via #G20 – to investment in #DigitalPublicInfrastructure, an effort supported by #OneFutureAlliance as well as #SendaiFramework & @cdri_world partnership.”