Srinagar, Aug 16: A one day Human Resource Development (HRD) training programme of 62 progressive farmers of District Budgam was organized at Directorate of Extension, SKUAST-Kashmir today on Wednesday in collaboration with Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Sub Division Agriculture Office, Budgam.
The programme was inaugurated by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Prof. Nazir A. Ganai. Director Extension, SKUAST-K, Prof. Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi, Scientists of Directorate of Extension, Officials from Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare besides 62 progressive farmers attended the programme.
Prof. Nazir A. Ganai, Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-K in his address appreciated Director Extension, Prof. Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi for organizing series of training programmes for farmers. Vice Chancellor advised the scientists that trainings should be given to the farmers on different aspects of advancement in cultivation of vegetables which shall serve as an opportunity for taking vegetable cultivation as an enterprise. He further highlighted the importance of conducting such training programmes and also urged the participants to take full advantages of resources and technological support from SKUAST-K. Highlighting the 6-fold yield of vegetables in some countries named by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, he impressed upon farmers to take such training programmes serious on mission mode to convert vegetable cultivation from subsistence to sustainable enterprise for the benefit of rural community.
Prof. Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi, Director Extension, SKUAST-K briefed about the importance of adoption of newer technologies by the farmers and advised the trainees to empower themselves through specific skills. He further said that University is always available for empowering the farmers with the latest scientific techniques and practices for increasing their productivity. Director Extension gave a briefing of vegetable under protected cultivation and vermi-composting training importance that the participant farmers were to be exposed for during the day long hands on training.
Earlier Ishrat, Technical Officer, Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare presented the overview of the training programme.
During the training programme, lectures were delivered by Scientists of SKUAST-K on scientific cultivation of vegetables, cultivation of paddy and constraint analysis, protected cultivation of vegetables and vermi-composting unit. Later, practical demonstrations of cultivation technology in the field/s with regard to vegetable and paddy were also given to the participants. The participants of the training programme demanded timely availability of quality potato and vegetable seed and at the occasion Hon’ble Vice Chancellor directed the scientists to organize training programme on protective cultivation.