Rajouri Jan 29: Senior BJP leader Mr Devender Singh Rana today held Nehru-Sheikh bonhomie responsible for segregating the families along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir by enforcing ceasefire on January 1, 1949 when Indian Armed Forces were fast advancing towards Mirpur and Muzaffarabad in Pak occupied Kashmir.
Speaking at Shakti Vandan Workshop at the party Headquarters in Rajouri this afternoon, Mr Devender Rana said the objective behind illogical ceasefire amid India -Pakistan conflict during those most testing times by Prime Minister Pt Jawaharlal Nehru was solely to safeguard the political interests of the National Conference.
He said the ceasefire decision driven by emotions and personal bonhomie cost the nation in general and the Rajouri-Poonch belt in particular the most. While the country has been paying hugely for the Nehruvian blunders for the past 75 years in terms of three wars and a proxy war, the people on both sides of the LoC are also facing perpetual divide due to inflated ego of a single person, he said, adding that more importantly the move was to keep the people of this region away from any role in decision making and governance.
Devender Rana said the united Jammu and Kashmir would have placed the Rajouri-Poonch belt and similarly placed areas at the centre- stage of the then state’s politics, ending the bonhomie of the elite, who continue to believe political power as their birth right. This self-centric elite class did no good to the people but remained confined to myopic politics as a result of which the entire population suffered, he added.
Rana said the matter didn’t end there but the National Conference and the Congress with their political off-shoots like PDP are continuing to create wedge between different regions for their sinister political interests. While the BJP endeavoured to satiate the aspirations of all these segments without jeopardizing the interests of others, they tried to create fissures in a desperate bid to put one brother against the other. He cautioned against the machinations of these political chameleons, who have nothing dear than their personal interests. He also referred to the obstacles created by the so-called mainstream political parties in the implementation of Forest Rights Act, saying they remain always on toes to oppose any and every initiative aimed at empowering the people as per the BJP’s cherished agenda of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas.
Referring to the dawning of peace in Jammu and Kashmir, leading to new era of progress, development and buzzing economic activities, Mr Rana said this does not suit to the politics of the Congress, NC and the PDP, which have thrived on the politics of graveyards and want to keep the situation on boil.
“It is ironic that those whose feet were shaking in Lal Chowk due to fear of terror are now misadventuring in Rajouri and Poonch areas to destabilise the situation “, he said, urging the people to keep vigil on such an ecosystem that has hugely contributed to the grim situation in Jammu and Kashmir. He said the people have realised the dividends of peace that has brought cheer and happiness in their lives in the past over four years.
“A huge transformation is discernible with peace paving the way for holistic development and the people getting opportunities to prosper and progress”, Mr Rana said, adding that concerted efforts are underway to address the issues of the youth, the marginalized and weaker sections, farmers and women. He said the BJP is committed to remove the disparity between regions and sub-regions on the developmental front and opportunities for all to flourish.