India celebrates National Consumer Rights Day on 24th December every year to spread awareness about consumer rights and responsibilities. This day commemorates the day when Consumer Protection Act received the assent of the President on 24th December 1986 and came into force. Since then, National Consumer Rights Day is celebrated each year to educate people about their rights as consumers.
In India the Consumer protection was the part of Indian culture. Kautily’s Arthahastra was the first law and same was strengthened with the provision to make the consumer protection Act 1986. Long ago as in 1934 Mahatma Ghandhi said what empowerment of Consumer really means
“A customer is the most important visitor in our premises .He is not dependent on us, we are dependent on him. He is not an interruption of our work, He is purpose of it, he is not outside in our business, he is part of it. We are not doing him favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so “
By now we have become aware of the fact that as a consumer we are concerned with our money, our health, safety and social environment. Fleecing of customers at the receiving end has become widespread, false or misleading advertisements or representations, fixing, bargain prices, offering of gifts, prizes, contents, noncompliance of product safety standards and hoarding of goods make us knowingly or unknowingly victims in one way or the other. Don’t you think that all these happen, because we are helpless or unprotected? Yes unlike in the past a consumer need not feel helpless all the time.
We as consumers are now protected by several laws. These laws conifer a number of rights on consumers and impose duties on the sellers, manufactures or those who provide services. More importantly, these rights are not merely social codes but most of these now have legal sanctions behind them. In other words, we now have enforceable rights. However there is a general lack of awareness about these rights. Here you will be made aware of these rights and their importance.
- Right to Safety – To be protected against goods and services that may be hazardous to their health, life, and property
- Right to Choose – To have the freedom to choose between goods and services available at competitive rates.
- Right to be Informed – To be provided information about the quality, price, purity, potency, usage, date of manufacture/expiry, etc., of any good/service.
- Right to be Heard – Consumer complaints to be received due consideration at appropriate forums.
- Right to Seek Redressal – To be provided fair settlement/ compensation against unfair trade practices.
- Right to Consumer Education – This right encourages you to acquire the knowledge and skill throughout life.
From time to time the scenario of marketing has been changed from dense markets to door to door marketing and at present digital marketing. In this era consumers are being cheated on social media through unscrupulous and fake online marketers.The consumers are being tempted by clever and misleading advertisements with exaggerated claims of product and services , and after receiving full value of the product or services an inferior or priceless products are found in the parcel delivered by the delivery boys and the helpless consumers are unable to claim for his money and any other relief with the result deprive him from the consumer Rights particularly Right to Choose and Right to be informed.
Consumer responsibilities
Along with the Rights of Consumers there also certain responsibilities which devolve on every consumer so that he / she can take an active part in consumer protection.
- A consumer needs to be alert and questioning about the goods and services used.
- Not to be tempted by clever and misleading advertisements with exaggerated claims of products and services, but to critically examine the utility of the product and services , but to critically examine the utility of the product of services and the guarantees and warranties attached to them.
- Examination of product and offer for services.
- Exercising of choice on the basis of comparison of relative merits of products and services , wherever such choice is available .
- Adopting an attitude of non-compromising quality of goods and services to ensure full value for money paid.
Role of Government
For a long time now, the market has been ruled by the principle of caveat emptor (Customer beware!) but an alert consumer and role of administration can change this to caveat venditor (sellers beware!). The Allah (SWT) says in Surah Al-Mutaffifin “Woe to those who give less than due.
Last but not least, as enjoyed in the constitution of India, Government have necessarily to play a vital role in protection and empowerment of consumers. The department of Consumer Affairs should ensure proper monitoring of unbridled markets and ensure establishment of an effective and responsive administration which is not only citizen friendly but is also transparent and accountable.
It should evolve its manpower in training for strict enforcement of various consumer protection laws, regulations and rules set up appropriate mechanism for citizens, involvement both for monitoring and for obtaining appropriate feedback. Besides provide prompt, effective and time bound redressal of consumers, grievances and complaints not only through formal institutional mechanism, but also through other informal conciliation procedures.
(Author has PG in (Public Administration), Diploma (Consumer Protection / Food Safety). Email: [email protected])