Srinagar, June 25: The Governemnt College of Education (GCoE) M A Road Srinagar on Tuesday hosted a two-day national conference on the theme “NEP 2020: Innovative Pedagogical Approaches and Evaluation Reforms in Higher Education”.
The conference was inaugurated by a renowned educationist and innovator, Prof Dinesh Singh, Chairperson of JK Higher Education Council. Dignitaries from across the country participated in the conference, which, among others, included Prof A. Ravinder Nath, Vice-Chancellor of Central University of Kashmir; Prof Umesh Rai, Vice-Chancellor Jammu University; Prof Manisha Priyam from National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi; Prof (Dr) Yasmeen Ashai, Director of Colleges, J&K; Prof (Dr) Wilayat Rizvi, Registrar Cluster University; Prof (Dr) Syed Nazir Simnani, Principal GDC Bemina; Prof (Dr) Ghulam Jeelani Qurashi Principal SP College. Other faculty members deputed from various colleges and research scholars across J&K also attended the conference.
The academicians from Delhi University, TISS Mumbai, Jammu University and Jamia Millia Islamia were also present in the inaugural session.
The Chief Guest, Prof Dinesh Singh, highlighted the real meaning of education in his address. “True education is when you start hearing the inner drumbeat and march in tune with it,” he said. Giving examples of Gandhi, Kabir, Einstein, Mendel and Milton, he shed light on the importance of deep sprited activities in education.
Prof A Ravinder Nath, VC CUK, highlighted in his special address the fact that the UT of J&K is at the forefront of implementing NEP-2020. He deliberated on key areas of NEP-2020, such as learner-centric education, inclusiveness in education, holistic approaches in education, designing your degree, and the academic bank of credits.
Prof Umesh Rai, VC JU also spoke on the occasion, emphasising that education must not be confined to the four walls of the classroom but must be connect with real life.
Prof (Dr) Yasmeen Ashai, Director of Colleges, JK Higher Education, and patron of the conference, elucidated on the theme.
Prof Manisha Priyam from NIEPA spoke on the theme of NEP-2020 operationalisation from a national perspective. In her speech, she highlighted key areas of NEP-2020, such as pedagogical approaches and evaluation reforms, breaking disciplinary boundaries, comparing AI and the human mind, open book exams, and creating a knowledge society.
Earlier, the Principal of host college, Prof Seema Naz welcomed the guests. She presented a brief profile of the institution and highlighted the achievements of the college. She brought to focus the accomplishments of the institution in teaching-learning, innovations, internships, and infrastructure upgradation.
The conference will culminate on June 26, 2024, wherein paper presenters across J&K will present their papers on various themes of the conference, such as integrating innovative pedagogical approaches in teaching and learning in higher education, multi-mode teaching in higher education, and assessment and evaluation in higher education.
National Conference on NEP-2020 at GCOE Srinagar: Renowned educationists discuss innovative pedagogies, evaluation methods in higher edu

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