Srinagar, May 04: Amid continuous rains and dip in temperature, the Agro field unit Srinagar, Agro unit SKUAST-K and Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) have issued a fresh advisory for different farming activities asking farmers to take precautions.
The advisory issued on May 2, said in view of dip in temperature and rains in Kashmir, farmers are advised to maintain proper drainage channels in the field to avoid water stagnation.
Regarding rabi crops like wheat, oat, field pea, saffron, it asked farmers to maintain proper drainage channels in the field to avoid water stagnation adding that all the field operations should be suspended till soil becomes workable and weather becomes dry.
Regarding kharif crops like maize it said that the farmers should maintain proper drainage channels in the field to avoid water stagnation adding that land preparation and sowing of maize should be suspended till soil becomes workable and weather becomes dry.
For nursery raising of rice, it suggested that the nursery should be covered with polythene in the form of a low poly tunnel with the help of willow stacks to protect nursery from chilling injury.
Regarding apple, it said that spraying of chemicals should be suspended till weather becomes dry and in case of hailstorm, orchards may be immediately sprayed with fungicides like difenaconazole or flusilazole or trifloxystrobin or fluopyram after 60-70 percent of petal fall occurs.
It added that 10-14 days after petal fall fungicides like zineb, dodine or fluxapyroxad or Tebuconazole. It suggested orchardists remove the hail damaged fruits and leaves from the orchards immediately and provide adequate drainage to avoid water stagnation and maintain orchard sanitation.
Regarding transplantation of vegetables, it also asked to maintain proper drainage channels in the field to avoid water stagnation and suspend field operations till weather improves.
For cattle, it suggested keeping the grazing animals under proper vigil due to the extra chances of bloat/tympany during the current early spring season.
“Try to avoid feeding extra lush green to animals particularly to vulnerable animals. It is advisable to provide sun dried grass instead of fresh lush green grass to animals to avoid tympany/bloat,” it said.
Regarding sheep and goat, it asked farmers to provide proper shelter to small ruminants (Sheep and goat) but with proper ventilation.
“Avoid grazing areas with lush growth of clovers. Salt licks can be provided to the animals or iodized powder salt sprayed to the grazing area of sheep for better growth and weight gain,” the advisory said.
Regarding poultry, it said during the Ist week of rearing, 95oF temperature must be ensured and thereafter, it should be decreased by 5oF every week. “Litter needs to be raked, renewed and replenished regularly. Adhere strictly to the vaccination schedule,” it added.
For apiculture, it asked to do detailed examination of the colonies on sunny days to observe the presence and performance of queen, check status of brood and adult bees.
Regarding sericulture, it said that disinfection of rearing appliances (Stands, Trays, montages, Nets etc.) should be started as the silkworm rearing will start from May 01.
“Farmers are requested to start constructing Low Cost Rearing huts so that they will be ready well in time. Identification and preparation of Chawki rearing centres should also be done on priority. Silkworm seed should be released for incubation at least ten days before expected brushing date and proper Environmental conditions should be ensured in Incubation room for maximum Hatchability,” it said.
Regarding fisheries, the advisory said during the rainy season the pH level of water falls during rainfall as a result, the surface water becomes more acidic in nature.
“It is very important to have proper drainage and abundant fresh water. The volume of water will naturally increase during the rainy season. This is why evacuation is so important. Dig the pond so that the depth increases. If the depth increases, then the water holding capacity automatically increases. Maintain optimum volume of water,” it added.