Jammu, July 13: Senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and former J&K Deputy Chief Minister, Kavinder Gupta has welcomed the government’s decision to observe June 25 as “Samvidhaan Hatya Diwas” to commemorate the day when the Emergency was declared in 1975. He said the initiative aims to honour the “massive contributions” of those who endured the “inhuman pains of the period.”
In a statement issued here, Gupta said the Emergency imposed by former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was the darkest period in the democratic history of India. “Oppressive means were brazenly adopted by the then rulers to gag all voices of dissent, including the media. I was a student of Class X when the Emergency was imposed in the country. Despite being a teenager, I was treated like a criminal and my only fault was that I was associated with the RSS at that time,” he said, adding, “Like hardcore criminals, we were produced in the court handcuffed.”
Kavinder said due to the efforts of lakhs of people, the Emergency was lifted and democracy was restored in India. “But it remained absent in the Congress. The interests of one family prevailed over the party’s interests and national interests. This sorry state of affairs thrives in today’s Congress too!” he added.
Expressing his support, the former Deputy CM said, “The declaration of June 25 as ‘Samvidhaan Hatya Diwas’ is a significant step towards acknowledging and remembering the dark days of the Emergency. It is crucial for the younger generation to be aware of the struggles and sacrifices made by countless individuals during this period.”
“By observing ‘Samvidhaan Hatya Diwas,’ we reinforce our commitment to uphold democratic values and the sanctity of our Constitution, ensuring such a dark chapter never repeats in India’s history,” he added. (KNS)
Kavinder welcomes ‘Samvidhaan Hatya Diwas’ to remember ‘dark days’ of Emergency
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