At the age of 29 when most of the players retire from the combat sports, Syed Rufaid Qadri started his career in the mixed martial arts. His transition from the corporate industry, with a body of 90kgs, to the arena with the fighter’s body was not a cake walk for him. His high hopes not only made him a champion in the sports but also made him open a school of martial arts in Bangalore.
Born in Kashmir, Rufaid was working in an IT firm in Bangalore, was married and living a successful life as per the societal notions.
One day on his way to the gym, he was intrigued by a group of fighters practicing Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).
“For my own fitness, I joined MMA classes. Being 90kgs, I was out of shape and was not able to do a single pushup. I started taking interest in fitness and on the suggestions of some people, I did some basic fitness certifications,” he said.
When a reputed organization offered him a job after the completion of his probation period, he declined the offer because of his passion for MMA. “I trained for six months every single day and got into shape. I realized that this is what I wanted to do and I left my job to pursue my career in Martial Arts,” he added.
Leaving a promising career for sports didn’t go well for his family back in Kashmir but the only support he received was from his wife.
“My father was unhappy with my decision. In a metropolitan city where living is costly, we had to manage with minimum. I sometimes didn’t have money for my meal or lunch,” he added.
With the meager money to run the house, he couldn’t afford to have a proper diet to support his training. “For three months, I was jobless and then I got a job in the gym with a salary of Rs 6000. I started training for 6 hours and people started knowing me by my training practices. Soon the news spread and many people wanted me to train in their gyms,” he said.
He said that his motive behind pursuing a career in sports was not to secure a government job or being famous. He didn’t want to settle for less and didn’t want to restrict his dreams.
In the end of 2017, he started his training under Asia’s one of the top MMA fighters Kantharaj and the World Class coaches of Brazilian Jiujitsu Lachlan Convey and Rohit Vasudevan. Last year, he joined veteran MMA fighter of India Abdul Muneer and Brave FC’s top ranked MMA fighter Mohammad Farhad. With the the hardcore training of about 2 years, he fought at National MMA and Grappling Championships where he bagged Gold in his weight categories
“In 2018, I appeared in my first national game along with my students and we all bagged gold medals except one,” he recalled.
The same year, he won gold in the DAMAU championship. In 2019 he won an International Open Championship in Grappling in Bangalore and also bagged gold in one of the prestigious championships, Abu Dhabi Combat Championship (ADCC) Nationals in 2020 and also won gold in ADCC South Asian Championship in 2022.
“I am the only Kashmiri and Indian who won gold at ADDC Nationals and International level ADCC South Asian championship,” he added while talking about his achievements.
Talking about the sports, he said that one has to be determined and consistent.
“When my son was born, during the day time, I was on training because my student had a fight next week. My students have been one of the biggest supporters in my life. They used to be with me and encourage me,” he said.
A blue belt champion has also mentored Mohammad Farhad in his fight against Pakistan MMA fighter, Uloomi Karim in 2020 for Grappling and Ground.“We worked on certain points and that helped us,” he added.
His Grappling record is 39 – 2. In last 39 matches played by him in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, he is undefeated Grappler and his MMA record is 12-2. In the last two MMA matches, he was escorted due to reactivation of his old injuries.
“During the match, my back got jammed and they had to take me out of the ring. Now I am moving towards recovery and would be back for MMA fights soon that are going to be held in future,” he said and added that he is eying the world championship in MMA and Jiu Jitsu with an intention to win.
The MMA world championship will be held next year. Despite putting in all the efforts from his side, he is doubtful because of the lack of sponsors.
“I didn’t get a single sponsor till today. Sports come with injuries which need to be taken care of so sponsors are needed. I have to earn and keep aside some of the money for the tournaments. I have to save money for the world cup, if I can’t make it then I have to wait for another 2 years. By that time, I will be 36,” he said.
Presenting the grim condition of MMA fighters, he said that the players should get sponsors. “When we win, the credit is taken by the state but for the same player, the state makes no effort to give him the boost. We need sponsorships to get pulled off,” he added.
In the end of 2021, one of the veteran fighters, Abdul Muneer got connected with him for the opening of a club. “We started a club and collaborated with a number of gyms where fighters can have training with those gyms as well. In one year, our fighters have won 10-15 gold medals, 8-9 silver and a few bronze as well,” he said.
He has two sons and both are trying to follow his father’s footsteps as he tries to copy the moves but Rufaid wants his kids to be anything they want.
“I don’t want to burden them with any pressure. I want them to get educated and be involved with sports as it is going to make their life good. The body of sports people heals faster than the others. Studies and sports can go together. People are very much into percentage and grades and this mindset never lets us explore other things,” he said.
Currently 34 years old Rufaid is suggested by many to go for the older category but he is not here to be a side hero, as he said.
Kashmiri MMA fighter, Syed Rufaid vies for world championship

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