Jammu and Kashmir Police Headquarters has issued promotion order in respect of Seven Sub-Inspectors of J&K Armed Police to the rank of Inspectors today.
The Departmental Promotion Committee meeting was convened under the chairmanship of the Director General of Police J&K Shri Dilbag Singh at Police Headquarters J&K. After a thorough scrutiny of the service records, promotion in respect of these officers has been ordered.
The DGP has congratulated the promoted officers and their families. He has expressed his hope that the promotion will boost the morale of these officers and to perform their duties with enhanced dedication and zeal.
Vide PHQ’s order, Mohd Iqbal, Kuldeep Raj, Showkat Ahmad, Ahtsham-Ul-Haq, Nadeem Maqbool, Gowhar Ahmad and Hilal Ahmad were promoted to the rank of Inspectors.