Awantipora, Dec 01: A one-day seminar on Sensitization/Awareness on sexual harassment was organized at the Islamic University of Science and Technology on thursday.
The program jointly by the offices of Dean Outreach and Dean of student’s welfare, IUST was presided over by, Prof Naseer Iqbal Registrar IUST, and Ms. Fozia Paul, Sub Judge/ Secretary District Legal Services Authority Srinagar was the Guest of Honor.
Prof. Naseer Iqbal in his address informed the gathering that IUST under the leadership of Honorable Vice chancellor, Prof Shakil Ahmad Romshoo is committed to providing a safe and conducive work environment for all the employees and particularly for the women employees and said that mechanisms as prescribed by the laws and rules for preventing/addressing cases of harassment have been put in place. He also said knowledge is an empowering tool and is therefore important to hold such awareness programs to spread awareness and encourage women to speak up about any maltreatment meted out to them.
Ms. Fozia Paul in her address informed the participants about the legal remedies available to women who face such harassment and quoted Father of the Indian Constitution, B. R Ambedkar who had said, “I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved”, emphasized on empowering women. She said that the women out of fear of the stigma often don’t report the cases and talked about the background of the promulgation of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act, of 2013
Dean Outreach in her address said that there is a responsibility on men to create an environment conducive to women and said that sensitization should begin early and right from the home. Dean Students of welfare also spoke on the occasion.
The event was attended by Deans of Schools, Finance Officer, faculty, Staff, and students.
IUST organises seminar on sexual harassment

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