Ganderbal, July 09: In a heartwarming display of honesty and dedication, two police officials from the Jammu and Kashmir Police have been applauded for returning a lost bag to an Amarnath pilgrim. ASI Darshan Kumar and HC Satpal, deployed at Sarbal area of Sonamarg in central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district for yatra duty, were praised by Union Home Minister Amit Shah for their exemplary act.
The bag, belonging to Yasoda Bain, wife of Manu Bhai from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, contained ₹80,000 in cash, a mobile phone, and important Yatra documents. Recognizing the significance of the bag’s contents and the potential distress it could cause to Mrs. Bain and her family, ASI Darshan Kumar and HC Satpal swiftly took action.
Upon discovering the lost bag, the dedicated police officials promptly informed the appropriate authorities to ensure the bag’s safety and security. They successfully traced its owner, Mrs. Yasoda Bain, and presented the bag to her in the presence of her husband, expressing their profound gratitude towards the officers.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah took to Twitter to praise the officers, stating, “True heroism lies in our acts of honor and honesty that leave an indelible mark on the lives we touch.” He commended ASI Darshan Kumar and HC Satpal for setting an example of integrity and professionalism.
DGP J&K Dilbag Singh also recognized the commendable actions of ASI Darshan Kumar and HC Satpal, announcing a reward of Rs 10,000 each, along with a commendation certificate, in appreciation of their honesty and good work. Singh hailed the police officials’ efforts in returning the bag to its rightful owner and emphasized their dedication and integrity as a shining example for others.