Srinagar, July 25: Amid the wild animal scare and rise in man-animal conflicts in Kashmir, the Wild Life Department has issued an advisory and suggested do’s and don’ts.
The Wildlife Protection Department has asked people to stay alert and asked them not to move alone in the forest area.
“Children and women are more vulnerable to leopard/Bear attacks, which can be contained if they move in groups or children are accompanied by an elderly person,” it said.
It advised people to always move on regular forest paths and avoid shortcuts and avoid going to forests for collection of wood etc. in early morning or which is the peak activity time for leopards and evening hours. “Do not chase or try to go near a wild animal if sighted from a distance in the forest areas,” it said.
It said that livestock taken to pastures inside forests and near crop fields must be attended by three to four persons and any type of bell or sound-producing device be put around the neck of a few cattle.
“Avoid using bush growths and forest fringe areas for nature calls in late evening or night hours as this time coincides with peak activity of wild animals. It is requested to create community or home toilet facilities to avoid such dangers,” the advisory said.
It also advised people living in the vicinity of forests to complete their outside activities like fetching water from streams, grazing cattle, collection of household items etc. during day time only.
“Provide sufficient light around your utilities outside your home so that animals do not feel safe in the vicinity. Do not create kitchen dumping around your houses as this invites stray dogs to the spot which in turn invite leopard movement. As dogs are delicacies for these carnivores,” it said.
The advisory also asked villagers to regularly remove bushes or shrubs from the vicinity of houses which will increase visibility and help to keep the leopard away from their houses.
“The cattle shed in village houses should be constructed, “leopard proof” using wooden material or concrete structure. The pet dogs kept in houses can also alarm the presence of predators in the vicinity of houses,” it added.
The advisory applied to people living near forest areas said it has been observed that whenever leopards are sighted, people make a lot of noise which can prove dangerous.
“As such the wild animal feels insecure and can cause damage. It is advisable not to make noise, while leopards are sighted,” it said.
It said in case of any damage, the Wildlife Protection Department should be contacted and in case non-availability of Wildlife Protection Department in the area, the nearest forest territorial/police/revenue officials may be contacted for necessary recovery protection.
Govt issues advisory amid wild animal scare

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