Jammu and Kashmir Police on Sunday said that it has arrested five persons along with with 2.15 crores of low quality Indian currency notes, Rs 5 lakh of Indian currency notes alongwith 03 cheque books recovered by PS Bahu Fort Jammu
A Police spokesperson said, An information was received at PS Bahu Fort through reliable sources regarding some persons carrying low quality Indian currency notes to use the same for illegal purposes.
“On this special police teams of PS Bahu Fort under the supervision of SDPO East Syed Zaheer Abbas Jafari were constituted. The team led by SHO PS Bahu Fort Inspr Nayat Ali assisted by I/C PP Narwal SI Lalit Kumar, I/C PP Bathidi PSI Shakeel and PSI Adarsh Kant did strenuous efforts and laid a special naka near Kargil Colony Bathindi area. Finally, police teams rounded up five suspects who were on their vehicle bearing Registration No HR26CQ-8653. During search of the vehicle 05 lac Indian currency notes alongwith 03 cheque books and about 2.15 crore low quality Indian currency notes were recovered from their possession”, he said.
In this regard, a Case FIR No. 71/2023 under relevant sections got registered at PS Bahu Fort and five accused got arrested. Accused arrested have been identified as Nazir Ahmed S/o Mohd Jabbar R/o Barzulla, Srinagar, Riyaz Ahmed S/o Abdul Gani R/o Sheikhhar, Pulwama, Mohd. Naimullah S/o Mohd Zaheer-ul-Haq R/o Dwarka, Delhi, Manzoor Ahmed S/o Ghulam Mohd. R/o Nishat, Srinagar and Basit S/o Gh Hussain R/o Shopian
It is pertinent to mention that accused namely Nazir Ahmed already remained in Tihar Jail for six years in militancy case of P/S Delhi where he came in contact with the other accused namely Mohd. Naimullah.
The overall operation was done under the supervision of SP South Mamta Sharma.Further investigation of the case is going on.