Srinagar, Apr 06: The Director of School Education Jammu (DSEJ) has issued instructions to streamline the process of confirming the results of private schools in the Jammu division.
In an official circular, the Director stated that the Chief Education Officers and Zonal Educational Officers will now follow a uniform pattern for countersigning the results.
The circular outlines the parameters for countersigning, stating that ZEOs will countersign the results for private schools up to middle class in their respective jurisdictions, while CEOs/Dy. CEOs will countersign results for private high/higher secondary schools in their respective jurisdictions.
“Private schools will be required to provide the countersigned result of the previous academic year along with proof of recognition. The current result will only be countersigned if the students have the same particulars as the previous year and have a unique ID,” Circular said.
In cases where a student is included in the current result but not in the countersigned result of the previous year, an authenticated/countersigned school leaving transfer certificate will be required.
The circular also emphasizes that the result of only recognized/permitted classes will be confirmed/countersigned, and the authorities responsible for countersigning will maintain a proper database/record of the schools whose results have been confirmed/countersigned.
The DSEJ has asked all the CEOs to transmit the instructions to the ZEOs for rigorous enforcement. Additionally, the outcomes of the unaccredited schools that have submitted recognition applications will only be verified once the Competent Authority provides clarification.