Director Fisheries, Mohammad Farooq Dar today chaired a review meeting on CSS/PMMSY & CAPEX budget 2022-23 and preparations for roll out of Holistic Agricultural Development Plan (HADP) for Kashmir Division.
The meeting was attended by Joint Director Fisheries (South) Kashmir, Chief Project Officer, Kokernag, and all District/ Project officers of Kashmir Division.
During the meeting, the Director reviewed the achievements made during the year 2022-23 under various schemes both in CAPEX and CSS/PMMSY.
He expressed satisfaction on the progress made by the Department and emphasized on the need to continue the momentum.
Director Fisheries highlighted the major achievements of the Department, in Kashmir Division achieved during the year 2022-23 which includes under UT CAPEX/ PMMSY Trout Raceways, Carp Ponds, Large RAS (water efficient technology), Medium RAS, Biofloc, Feed Mill and Trout Hatchery.
Dir also stressed on the need for sustainable development of fisheries in the region and directed the officials to work towards achieving this goal.
He urged the officers of the Department to continue its efforts towards improving the livelihoods of the people associated with the fisheries sector.
He highlighted the importance of HADP and stressed upon the officers for the effective implementations of HADP for economic growth and prosperity of the fish farming community.
The Director Fisheries sought feedback from the officers and he appreciated the officers on the successful implementation of the schemes on ground and assured them of support/ cooperation in future as well.