The problem of stunt biking is taking an alarming proportion in the valley. The Traffic Police Department so far have identified atleast 200 stunt bikers who are performing dangerous stunts on the road thereby endangering life of people. While speaking to Rising Kashmir, SSP Traffic City made a point that parents are purchasing expensive bikes and vehicles for their children without considering their safety. Police has taken cognizance of many violations of Motor Vehicle Act in recent times in which most of the cases involved motorcycles. Driven by adrenaline rush, the stunt bikers not only risk their lives for adventure, but also pose danger to others. The bare-headed bikers could be seen performing dare devil stunts increasing the chances of accidents. Traffic department seems to have finally woken upto the nuisance even launching a counseling-cum-awareness programme for the boys. The phenomenon of stunt biking should be seen in the context of rash or unsafe driving/riding by youngsters. The problem is connected to the larger issue of increase in the number of accidents in the valley over the years, rash driving being one of the reasons besides bad roads. Speeding youngsters have often been found guilty of risking their own as well other people’s lives. In the absence of check posts and police patrols at many places, the “spoilt brats” indulge in misadventure using their cars and bikes. Residents of some suburban areas have been complaining about young boys racing their vehicles outside the private coaching centres linking it to such offences as eve-teasing. Shockingly many of these offenders happen to be minors who go scot free thereby encouraging other boys also to try their hands at driving or riding beyond speed limits. Rash driving has emerged as the main cause of accidents over the years. Organising awareness-cum-counseling camps are not enough to address the problem. Strict law enforcement can serve as the best deterrent. Many experts are of the opinion that traffic police department should press into service the use of Traffic Interceptor Vans across the valley to check rash driving and other violations of traffic rules. The vans are supposed to work as flying squads equipped with cameras, interceptors and doppler radar which can measure the speed of the vehicle. Also fixing speed limit for every vehicle and road can help in reducing traffic mishaps. The measures if implemented in letter and spirit can help a great deal in checking the menace of rash driving. On their part, parents can also prevent their children from misusing the cars and bikes. They should keep a watch on any untoward behavior of their wards. The parents may advise their wards to ride motorcycles as per norms and see if they have modified the bike in any manner for the dangerous stunts. Govt needs to rein in stunt bikers and rash driving by youngsters lest it claims more lives.