Child labour is a global problem affecting millions of children all over the world. There are multitude of factors responsible for this menace and they keep on changing with the passage of time. Child labour exploits children and is considered as a violation of their fundamental human rights. The consequences of child labour are far and wide affecting overall development of the children and in many cases leads to permanent psychological and physical damage. Over the years it has been found that most of the Asian countries do not fare well on various child labour indices despite the governments having put down laws to arrest the practice of child labour.
As per United Nations figures, more than 1.5 billion people live in countries that are affected by conflict and violence. Furthermore, World Bank estimates show that twenty three million people were pushed into poverty in 2020 in countries affected by fragility, conflict and violence. In regions affected by conflicts child labor is predominant for a number of reasons, the conspicuous being shattered and fragile economy. Reportedly, there are over 2.5 lakh child labourers in Kashmir only. Large scale unemployment and loss of jobs have a direct bearing on child labour as younger age groups are forced into employment.
The legal tool ‘Child Labour Act’ has not proved effective so far in curbing child labour. Child labour law does not bear fruit mostly because of children being engaged or employed in the unorganized or informal sector. Many non-hazardous family enterprises do qualify and fall under this sector, meaning that there is legitimacy provided and immunity granted to child labour in such enterprises. At the same time education is considered as potential means to fight child labour. By making education free and compulsory from 6 years to 14 years, there is still some hope left. But both the labour law and compulsory education have been failing in their implementation. While the labour department may claim of acting according to the script, the ground reality presents a different picture, particularly in the informal sector.
Children are forced into labour and they work as domestic helps, bus conductors, in motor garages and workshops, in weaving factoring and as street vendors. On one hand family compulsions which can be linked to massive unemployment and deteriorated state of economy have become inevitable factors leading to a rise in child labour and on the other hand poor implementation of laws have dampened the fight against child labour. While institutions may need an overhaul but it is the legal framework that needs a revisit.
According to estimates, children make up nearly one-third of the world’s population. There is an urgent need of better legal tools and institutional commitment to thrust a positive change against child labour. Civil society can play an important role by creating awareness among the people against child labour. Practice of child labour is still prevalent in our society and stringent efforts are needed to thwart this menace.
(Author is a teacher and social activist)