‘Aao School Chalein’ campaign: Govt schools witness surge of above 14 pc in enrolment: Officials
Srinagar, Sept 18: The Jammu and Kashmir public schools are witnessing a surge of above 14 per cent (pc), courtesy, new enrolment drive ‘Aao School Chalein Campaign’, officials said on…
Palhalan’s Chaspeeda reaps success in organic farming
Seven years ago Chaspeeda Bano of Palhalan village in Baramulla district decided to enter into the farming sector and her hardwork and use of new practices and regular advice from…
Childhood obesity has detrimental long-term effects on health. Childhood is a learning time, along with other things it is important to teach children how to eat a healthy so that…
Women’s Health
One out of two women will experience osteoporosis in her lifetime. And this silent disease starts long before problems develop. The earlier you start protecting your bones the better. Women’s…
Heart health
If the heart is healthy the whole body is healthy. For healthy heart we need to follow a few advices like: 1 Avoid excess intake of oil and fat 2…
Psychological Underpinnings of a Crime
Our times witness the most heinous crimes. And the graph of crimes surges each day. The fear of law is fast vanishing from the hearts of criminals and antisocial elements.…
An Open Letter to the Cluster University of Srinagar
Respected Colleagues I am deeply troubled by a situation you can improve and a decision you can reverse. This is a critical issue involving mathematics and our responsibilities. I…
Overcoming Bipolar Disorder
DEEBA SHAFI Bipolar Disorder is an Illness of the mood and affect. Like the name suggests- ‘Bi’- meaning two, and ‘polar’- meaning opposite poles. This means that people suffering from…
Differently-abled dropouts and their career options
Education is a fundamental human right as it promotes individual freedom and empowerment and yields important development benefits. It is a human right with immense power to enable a person…
Prevention Of Cancer
CANCER SOCIETY OF KASHMIR Cancer is to a large extent avoidable. Many cancers can be prevented by modification of various risk factors responsible for particular cancers (Primary prevention). Others…