Srinagar, Oct 06: A joint fact finding team from the Rainawari Kashmiri Pandit Action Committee (RKPAC) and the Jogishwari Mandir Trust (JMT) which is on an official visit to access the ground situation of the temples, properties of temples that includes the Shopping Complex of the Jogishwari Mandir Trust located at Ghat Jogi Lanker, Srinagar at Rainawari Chowk have compiled a comprehensive report supported by the documentation done on the ground zero.
In its report, the team found that the ancient Crystal(Saphtik)Shiv Lingam of the Jogishwari Temple popularly known as Lokut Mandir at Ghat Jogi Lanker, Rainawari Srinagar is missing. This temple had been closed for 35 years due to the community’s displacement during the 1990s.
This Shiv Lingam is a religious heritage of the Kashmiri Pandit Community as it was being worshipped for centuries by the people before the religious cleansing and internal displacement from Kashmir in 1990 after the outbreak of terrorism. It is after 35 years of displacement in 1990 that the trustees of the Jogishwari Mandir opened the locks of the temple and were shocked to find the ancient Saphtik Shiv Lingam missing from the temple complex. It is a valueless religious heritage whose cost cannot be accurately calculated in the international market.
The team also reported that the temple complex, which includes more than 24 shops, was damaged by a fire, making the situation even worse. The temple and its surrounding area are now in poor condition, and urgent action is needed to repair and restore them.
Without immediate steps to fix and renovate the temple, Jammu and Kashmir could lose an essential piece of religious heritage. The Jogishwari Temple has been a gathering place for pilgrims visiting various holy sites, including the Shree Amarnath Ji Yatra. It has historical significance as a home for Nath Panthi Jogis, who respect this Shiva Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, Bhairavai Jogishwari.
The team has requested the Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory Administration, led by Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, to take quick action to restore the temple and its shops. They stressed the importance of protecting this valuable religious site for future generations and asked for help in securing the area.
The joint team is also visiting another important religious heritage site, Gopi Tirath Temples and its Holy Spring located at Brein, Nishat, Srinagar. Gopi Tirath is an ancient religious property of the Jogishwari Mandir Trust, Ghat Jogi Lanker, Rainawari , Srinagar, Kashmir. Its land and temple complex has been the cynosure of the land sharks and encroachers for a long time. The joint team has requested the LG Administration to enable the safety and security of the Gopi Tirath by providing the requisite security forces to safeguard the Gopi Tirath temples and its land in kanals so that the Jogishwari Mandir Trust who own and manage Gopi Tirath are able to perform the religious activities and are in a position to preserve this ancient Kashmir Shaiva Trika Tantric site that has immense importance in the Kashmir Shaiva Tantras.
The joint team was led by B.L. Jalali, President of RKPAC, and Surinder Kaul, Vice President of JMT. Other team members included Rakesh Hangloo, Anil Kachroo, and Shiban Ji Khar.