Srinagar, July 24: The Agriculture Department Kashmir has issued an advisory for farmers informing them about the physiological and pathological effects of flooding in the crops while it also contains remedial measures in case the situation turns dire.
The advisory said oxygen starvation due to flooding in field/vegetable crop causes roots to cease to function resulting in plant collapse with limited recovery potential.
“Oxygen starvation in root crops such as potatoes will lead to cell death in tubers and storage rots. This will appear as dark or discolored areas in the tubers or roots,” it said.
The advisory said saturated soil conditions can cause leaf drop, flower drop, fruit drop, or early plant decline in many vegetable crops and flooding exposes the shallow root of the vegetables which leads to dislodging.
“Silting in the field leads to hard crust formation which inhibits the aeration of the root zone. Loss of nitrogen through leaching and limited nitrogen uptake in flooded soils will lead to nitrogen deficiencies across most vegetable crops. Moreover loss of Potassium, Iron and boron will lead to various diseases and disorders,” the advisory said.
It said in bean crops, flooding or water logging will decrease flower production and increase abscission or abortion of flowers and young fruits.
“Lack of root function and movement of water and calcium in the plant can lead to calcium-related disorders in plants. There is a potential for higher incidence of blossom end rot in tomatoes, peppers, watermelons, and other susceptible crops when fruits are forming and soils are saturated,” it said.
In vegetables, soil compaction after floods will reduce water and oxygen infiltration leading to increased crop losses. While bruised and damaged plants provide the right site for the development of diseases and a breeding place for disease disseminating Insects (Vectors).
The remedial measures mentioned in the advisory, it advised farmers to drain water-logged soil as soon as possible and remove damaged plants and dispose them away from the field
“Post drainage soil compaction/crust should be broken up and incorporated into the soil profile as soon as possible. Dislodged plants should be erected by earthing up. Application of fertilizers particularly top dose of Urea should be ensured to initiate the new growth in the plants,” it said.
Another remedy mentioned that foliar application of water-soluble fertilizers will help the plants to overcome the nutrient losses in addition to soil application.
“Foliar application with multi micronutrient (Chamak or Multiplex or Agromin) will help to alleviate the micronutrient deficiency in the crops like Tomato and Chilli,” it added
In order to avoid any disease development (foliage fruits) as well as healing of bruised vegetables, the crops should be sprayed with Carbendazim plus Mancozeb.
The advisory said to manage Root Rot, crops should be drenched with Carbendazim and proper hygiene should be maintained in fields by removing all weeds and cleaning of the bunds.
Agri deptt issues advisory to farmers about flood adaptation practices

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