Veteran BJP leader LK Advani on Saturday said that Bharat Ratna is not only an honour for him but for the ideals and principles he strove in his life to the best of his abilities.
In a statement, LK Advani said he accepts the ‘Bharat Ratna’ with utmost humility.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced earlier in the day that LK Advani will be conferred the country’s highest civilian honour.
LK Advani said he has been inspired by the motto ‘idam-na-mama” and expressed his gratitude to BJP workers, RSS swayamsevaks and those with whom he worked in his long journey in public life.
“With utmost humility and gratitude, I accept the ‘Bharat Ratna’ that has been conferred on me today. It is not only an honour for me as a person, but also for the ideals and principles that I strove to serve throughout my life to the best of my ability,” he said in the statement.