Srinagar, Dec 07: To orient entrepreneurs with various branding practices and strategies, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir kick-started a six-day Advanced-Management Development Program (A-MDP) for startup founders and managers on Thursday at Shalimar campus.
The A-MDP titled ‘Branding Practices and Strategies in the Digital Age for Startups’ is organised by the SKUAST-K’s School of Agri-Economics and Horti-Business Management, Faculty of Horticulture under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India with an aim to inculcate the requisite brand-building skills among the participants.
Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-K, Prof Nazir Ahmad Ganai, who was the chief guest at the inaugural function, emphasized the importance of branding for creating value for global consumers. He encouraged the participants to adopt innovative brand development practices and strategies for creating brands of national and international importance.
Director, Extension, Prof Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi, demonstrated the presence of brands in the daily matters of life and highlighted the penetration of digital platforms, especially social media, for building successful brands.
Dean, Faculty of Horticulture, Prof Shabir Ahmad Wani emphasized on the horticultural potential in the region and the dire need of having brand creation along the cash crops of the region. Head, SAE&HBM, Sajad Ahmad Baba highlighted the entrepreneurial potential in the region and the criticality of the brand building process keeping in view the global competitive scenario and the rise of consumerism in the third world countries.
Training Coordinator, Dr Abid Sultan, briefed about the purpose of the workshop and its relevance for fostering business growth & expansion prospectus. The workshop was coordinated by Dr Omar Fayaz Khan and moderated by Dr Ishrat Bhat.
Skill training on brand building strategies begins at SKUAST-K
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